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Date: 1939
Young George Kahdy in his high school ROTC uniform. Caption on the back reads, "Lanier School for Boys. Macon."

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Date: 1956 July
George Kahdy Jr. stands by the side of a car and takes what the back of the photo describes as a "break." Caption on the back reads, "Oregon- George Jr. on the great desert. Time out for a little "break.'"

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Date: 1944
George Kahdy stands on the wing of his plane has he holds onto the back window pane. He is wearing his pilot uniform with goggles and gloves. The back of the photo reads, "1945. George Kahdy. Named plane for Nell Mettrey."

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Date: 1947
George Kahdy stands with his right leg on a chair. Caption on the back reads, "Dad in costume on boat." This was on his trip back from Lebanon, 1947.

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Date: 1947
George Kahdy sitting on top on the largest cut stone in the world. Caption on the back reads, "Largest cut stone on earth. Dad (George Kahdy) saw in 1947. Barbara Kahdy Estes saw in 2010 on trip to Lebanon on way to Baalbek."

Date: 1943
George Kahdy wearing goggles and gear as he sits with his hand on the front window of the plane with "Nell" painted on the side.

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Date: 1944
George Kahdy stands in his uniform as he balances on the wing of his plane which has "Nell" painted on the side. Caption on the back reads, "George Kahdy 1944."

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Date: 1947
George Kahdy stands on top of a statue of a lion that is a part of the ruins in Baalbek, Lebanon. Caption on the back reads, "George in Baalbek, Lebanon. 1947."

Date: 1940s
George Kahdy smiles as he stands outside in a casual outfit.

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George Kahdy smiling outside in his Army uniform and holds his cap in his right hand. Caption on the back reads, "At Craig Field, Alabama. Dec. 1943."

Date: 1944
George Kahdy balances on the wing and holds onto the back window of a plane named "Nell."

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Date: 1944
George Kahdy balances on the wing and holds onto the back window of a plane named "Nell." Caption on the back reads, "George Kahdy named his plane for Nell Mettrey (his wife). Egdin field AFB, Fla."

Date: 1940s
George Kahdy and four other men pose together at Gunter Field, Alabama. Two of the men crouch down as the other three stand behind them. Caption on the back reads, "Walker, Bentsen, Leopold, Hallman at Gunter field one day before leaving for…

Date: 1947
Three of George Kahdy's cousins standing on top of a low brick wall with the rest of the city in the background. Caption on the back reads, "Kahdy cousins. Rayak, Lebanon '47."

Date: 1939
George Kahdy dressed in a suit and tie. Caption on the back reads, "George 1939. Graduate Lanier High School."

Date: 1940s
George Kahdy's portrait in a formal suit and a striped tie.

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Date: 1918 July 20
A letter from Edward Wade, City Clerk of Lawrence, Massachusetts, sent on July 20, 1918. It addresses a birth record for George Mussawir, correcting his name to read Alfred George (from Joseph) Mussawir.

Date: 1918 July 19
A City of New York Department of Health record issued on July 19, 1918, certifying that George Mussawir was born September 4, 1903. Stamped by a medical doctor.

Date: 1911 March 5
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Bronobabas Elia alAntaki on March 5, 1911. It confirms the birthdate of George, son of Michael Saliba, on June 15, 1895, and his baptism on July 5.

Date: undated
A handwritten letter from Anna Murphy of the Special School in Lawrence, Massachusetts, stating that George Salmi lost his passport and wants to go to work. She states that she saw his passport when he came to school and was born on October 25, 1906.…

Date: undated
Large group of people posed for a photograph in a dining hall.


Date: 1923 April 3
A physician's certificate of age for George Yesbick issued on April 3, 1923, and certifying his birth on March 13, 1907.

Date: 1945
George, Adma, Virginia, and Nell Kahdy stand outside of a house together. George Kahdy is dressed in his Army uniform while his mother, Nell, and Virginia are dressed formally. "1945. Dothan, Ala. George, mom, Virginia, Nell."

George and Nell Kahdy stand side by side as they hold their young daughter, Barbara. They are all dressed in formal clothing in Arlington, Virginia. Caption on the back reads, "George and Nell with Barbara 1945."

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Date: Unknown
A photo of a Mokarzel relation in Freike. The caption reads "[fig] jam put in this jug when it is finished...Georgette." (Folder 2-1-8-3)
Mokarzel 2-1-8-3 Jug_wm.tif

Date: circa 1950s
Georgette Wehbie and Nell Kahdy sitting side by side on a couch. Caption on the back reads, "Georgette Wehbie. Nell Kahdy in Mary Wehbie's (her mother) home at 425 N. Bloodworth St. Raleigh. Mid 50s."


Date: 1956 July
Asaf Kahdy stands with his arms around his granddaughters Barbara and Georgette. George Jr. stands next to his grandmother Adma Kahdy who is holding a small bouquet of flowers. Caption on the back reads, "Georgette, dad, mom, Barbara, Georgette. Just…

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Date: 1950s
Georgette, Barbara, and George Jr. Kahdy stand side by side in the snow. They are all dressed in winter jackets, rain boots, gloves, and hats. Caption on the back reads, "Georgette, Barbara, George 50s."

Date: 1951
Barbara Kahdy stands in between her twin siblings Georgette and George Kahdy. Georgette and George Jr. are wearing matching sweaters while Barbara is wearing a dress with a cardigan.

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Georgette, George, and Barbara Kahdy sit on bicycles with their neighbor Ann Bulbaloe outside of a nearby brick house. Caption on the back reads, "Kahdy kids with neighbor. Raleigh 308 Pace St."


Georgette, George Jr., and Barbara Kahdy stand with their neighbor Ann Bulbaloe outside of a nearby house. Caption on the back reads, "308 Pace Street with Ann Bulbaloe- neighbor. Georgette, Ann, George, Barbara."

Date: 2000 July
A photograph taken from a distance of Georgina and Sara Ishak standing with the cedars of Lebanon and waving to the photographer.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Georgina Ishak posing with the cedars in Lebanon.

Date: 1910
Ghādat ‘Amshīt, غادة عمشيت[The Girl from ‘Amshit], is 'Afifa Karam's last novel, published in New York City in 1910.
Ghādat 'Amshīt PDF.pdf

Date: undated
Handwritten family tree, likely made using information in Father Yousef's account.

Date: 1911
A drawing done in Chinese ink by Kahlil Gibran of Ameen Rihani in 1911.

Date: 1912
A drawing done by Kahlil Gibran of Ameen Rihani in 1912.

Date: 1912
A drawing done by Kahlil Gibran of Ameen Rihani in 1912.

Date: 1913
A drawing done in pencil by Kahlil Gibran of Ameen Rihani in 1913.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a girl standing on top of some ruins. The girl is probably Phyllis Creighton.

Date: 1930s
A photograph of a young girl standing inside by a window.


Date: circa 1928
A photo of two unidentified girls holding hands.

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Date: 1976 May
A photograph from Bearta Al-Chacar Powell's childhood of young girls in Lebanon receiving their first communion.

Date: 1946
A photograph of Gladys and Dotty Oussani at the centennial.

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Date: 1945
A photograph of Gladys and Dotty "a bit cross."

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Date: undated
A photograph of Gladys Holmes and Leonard Oussani with a dog.

Date: undated
A photograph of an older woman, labeled "mother," and Baby Carol at three weeks standing in front of a car.


Date: 1930s
A photograph of Gladys Holmes standing outside of a stone building holding a baby.


Date: undated
A woman, possibly Gladys Holmes Oussani, with a baby near a car.

Date: undated
A photograph of Gladys Oussani standing outside of a house.
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