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  • Tags: Books-Arabic

Date: 1913
The History of the United States and the History of Syrian Emigration by Basil M. Kherbawi. Though split into two files here for readers' convenience, the two were published as one volume, in Arabic for immigrant readers, in 1913. Kherbawi was the…

Date: 1912
The New Testament of the Christian Bible translated into Arabic.

Date: 1908
Fāṭima al-Badawiyya [Fatima the Bedouin] is the second novel by 'Afifa Karam. It was published in New York City in 1908.
Karam_Fatimah al-Badawiyya_SM.pdf

Date: 1910
Ghādat ‘Amshīt, غادة عمشيت[The Girl from ‘Amshit], is 'Afifa Karam's last novel, published in New York City in 1910.
Ghādat 'Amshīt PDF.pdf

Date: 1923
Al-Kalimāt Al-Khālida, الكلمات الخالدة [Sincere Words] is a collection of speeches and writings written by Salwá Salāmah Aṭlas. It was published in 1923 in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Salma Salaama Atlas, Jurj Atlas - al-Kalimat al-Khalida_o.pdf
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