Studio portrait of Moura Lawandos Isaac and Thanios Isaac, parents of Rose El-Khouri. Though the photograph is undated, it was likely taken between 1910 and 1920, perhaps around the time of their marriage in 1917.
Studio portrait of unidentified members of a Lebanese family, ancestors of either Rose Isaac El-Khouri or Joseph Maroun El-Khouri. The photograph was taken in Lebanon, and likely dates from around 1870 to 1910.
A photograph portrait of Toufic Ellis posing in a studio in Utica, New York circa 1920s. Inscription reads, 'This pictures belongs to Saeed Hanna Kemaide from Baatuta Village, Keserwan, Lebanon.'
A photograph of Yousef Hobeiche in Lebanese Gendarmerie, note reads 'My loving brother status in memory and God’s blessing on me opened the star my loving country' dated 1926