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Date: undated
Image caption: "Qasr Mousa, where we had our wedding." A photograph of Lama Abou-Chakra in Lebanon, in front of Qasr Mousa.


Date: undated
Image caption: "The girls in my family." A photograph of Lama (second from right) with four unidentified female members of the Abou-Chakra family.


Date: undated
A photograph of Lama Abou-Chakra with her brother and sister.

Date: undated
An article in Arabic profiling Wael Abou-Chakra and his family.

Date: undated
A photo of Joseph Abdalla, Sr. at his home in Selma, NC.

Date: undated
A photo of an unidentified boy in front of Abdalla's Market.

Date: undated
Joseph Abdalla Sr. seated in a cart next to an unidentified clown for a local parade in downtown Selma.

Date: undated
Joseph Abdalla, Sr. in a cart for a parade in downtown Selma, NC.

Date: undated
A portrait of Tom Abdalla, brother of Joseph Abdalla, Sr.


Date: undated
Portraits of Joseph Abdalla, Sr. and his brother Louis Abdalla.


Date: undated
A newspaper clipping of The Morning Tribune published in Detroit, Michigan.


Date: undated
A newspaper clipping of The Morning Tribune published in Detroit, Michigan.


Date: undated
The outline of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution, undated.


Date: undated
Constitution and By-Laws for St. George's Antiochian Orthodox Catholic Church of Charleston, West Virginia.

Date: undated
A video taken of Ameen Rihani on a ship. Ameen Rihani stands on the right with an unknown man on the left. There is English audio over the looped video of Rihani. The audio begins with an introduction of Ameen Rihani, who then begins to speak to a…

Tags: Video.m4v

Date: undated
Performer: Alexander Maloof
Maloof 4 Mt Lebanon March.mp3

Date: undated
The record label for Alexander Maloof's M't Lebanon March.
Mt Lebanon March label.pdf

Date: undated
Performer: Alexander Maloof
Maloof 34 America Ya Hilwa.mp3

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Samʻān, tenor; with kanoun, violin, and oud

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Samʻān, tenor; with oud and zither

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Samʻān, tenor; with Turkish string instrumental accompaniment

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Simʻān, tenor ; Toufic Moubaid, oud ; Sam Romey, violin

Date: undated
Performer: Halīm al-Rūmī

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer:Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer: Fatāh al-Fiḥāʼ

Date: undated
Performer: Karakand, Naʻīm

Date: undated
Performer: Yūsuf Ḥātim, vocals; Fīlīb Sulaymān, kamanja; Yūsuf Badawī, ʻud.

A promotional newsletter for an Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on September 3-6.

A promotional newsletter for the Labor Day Festivities hosted by the American Syrian Association in Austin, Texas on September 3-5.

A photo of unidentified Mokarzel relations in Lebanon. The woman second from the left is Yemna Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-8-12)
Mokarzel 2-1-8-12 People_wm.tif

A copy of a page from the New York Times which features an article on the closing of Al-Hoda. (Folder 2-4-2-18)
Mokarzel 2-4-2-18 Article_wm.tif

Date: Sep-54
The revised membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as of September 1954.

Tags: ;

A letter from Helen Samhan to family and friends inviting them to the Al-Hoda Centennial. Included is information about the event and its planning. (Folder 1-3-2-27)
Mokarzel 1-3-2-27 Invitation_wm.pdf

Date: October 29
Envelope to Father Tobia Attallah. Dated October 29


Date: October 26
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He expresses his concerns about what is happening in Beirut and Tripoli.

Date: Oct-66
Article regarding the Andrews PTSA Harvest Sale auction where Joe El-Khouri served as auctioneer.

A photo of Mary Mokarzel (right) Leila Samhan and Jemma Hatab. (Folder 2-1-2-17)
Mokarzel 2-1-2-17 Women_wm.jpg

A letter from John J. Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning microfilms of Al-Hoda and personal affairs. (Folder 1-1-6-11)
Mokarzel 1-1-6-11_wm.tif

Mandy Benter of the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies interviews Lorraine Thomas in her home in North Carolina.
oral history cover image-greys.jpg

A portrait of a baby. The caption on the back reads "Michael, 9 1/2 months." This is likely Michael Jaoudi, Alice Mokarzel Jaoudi's grandson. (Folder 2-1-3-24)
Mokarzel 2-1-3-24 Michael_wm.jpg

Date: May 13
A letter in which Nasri replies to Father Tobia's previous letter asking about subscription fees of newspaper. Dated May 13 (year not clear, due to damage), Senegal

Date: March 2015
This timeline of the life of Father Nicola Yanney was written and compiled by Fr. Chirstopher Morris of St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Kearney, Nebraska with the help of the Yanney family. Fr. Nicola Yanney was an important figure in the…
Yanney, Nicola timeline.pdf

Date: June 1955
A photo of Mary Mokarzel (left) with Albert Rihani (center) and an unidentified man in front of Salloum Mokarzel's coffin. Mary made this trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. (Folder 2-1-4-1)
Mokarzel 2-1-4-1 Funeral_wm.jpg

Date: June 1949
A photo taken at a party given for Mr. and Mrs. George Arida in Salloum Mokarzel's apartment. Almost everyone is labelled in the caption on the back of the photo, which was written by Rose Mokarzel Tanous. (Folder 2-1-2-12)
Mokarzel 2-1-2-12a Party_wm.jpg

A photo of Yemna Mokarzel petting a dog. (Folder 2-1-3-5)
Mokarzel 2-1-3-5 Dog_wm.jpg

Date: July 7, 1950
A photo of people gathered at a cocktail party in the Al-Hoda Press building. The caption on the back reads "Cocktail Party...for C. Macari (Prominent in Mexico) Papa's [building]." (Folder 2-1-5-17)
Mokarzel 2-1-5-17 Cocktail_wm.jpg

Date: July 1959
A photo of ladies at Mrs. Malik's tea party. Mary Mokarzel hosted the tea party for Eva Malik in her New York apartment. Mary is standing third from the left in the front row. (Folder 2-1-5-8)
Mokarzel 2-1-5-7 Yemna_wm.jpg
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