Browse Items (12 total)

A copy of a page from the New York Times which features an article on the closing of Al-Hoda. (Folder 2-4-2-18)
Mokarzel 2-4-2-18 Article_wm.tif

Date: 1972
A photo of Nasri Lebbos Bejjani with his wife and children. The baby (Yusuf Lebbos) is 4.5 months old. The caption on the back reads "With all of our love, for Yemna" (Folder 2-1-8-14)
Mokarzel 2-1-8-14 Lebbos_wm.tif

A photo of unidentified Mokarzel relations in Lebanon. The woman second from the left is Yemna Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-8-12)
Mokarzel 2-1-8-12 People_wm.tif

Date: Circa 1973
A photo of Yemna Mokarzel with an unidentified relation in Freike, Lebanon. (Folder 2-1-8-11)
Mokarzel 2-1-8-11 Woman_wm.tif

Date: 1971
A photo of the Mary Mokarzel and friends in Hong Kong. Mary is second from the left. (Folder 2-1-2-14)
Mokarzel 2-1-2-14 Hong Kong_wm.jpg

Date: 1971
A photo of Mary Mokarzel in Hong Kong. (Folder 2-1-2-13)
Mokarzel 2-1-2-13 Hong Kong_wm.jpg

A letter from John J. Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning the transport of Al-Hoda microfilms and an update on Lilly Szegoe. The estimate mentioned is linked below. (Folder 1-1-6-16)
Mokarzel 1-1-6-16 Update Letter_wm.tif

A letter from John Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning the shipping of her donation of the Mokarzel Library and news of Lilly Szegoe. (Folder 1-1-6-15)
Mokarzel 1-1-6-15 Update Letter_wm.tif

Letters from John Williams of the University of St. Joseph concerning the shipping of Mary's donation of the Mokarzel Library. (Folder 1-1-6-14)
Mokarzel 1-1-6-14 Letter_wm.pdf

A letter from John J. Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning microfilms of Al-Hoda and personal affairs. (Folder 1-1-6-11)
Mokarzel 1-1-6-11_wm.tif

A letter from John Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning the arrival of the Mokarzel Library in Beirut. (Folder 1-1-6-10)
Mokarzel 1-1-6-10 Update Letter_wm.tif

A letter from John J. Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning Lilly Szegoe's health as well as Mary's donation and tax exemption. Mary's reply is linked below. (Folder 1-1-6-8)
Mokarzel 1-1-6-8 Update Letter_wm.tif
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