'Afifa Karam (2)
[الاسم الاول غير واضح] منصور حبيب غبريل
A Lawrence
A. Astrin (3)
A. E. Baermann (3)
A. Haddad
A. Lawrence
A. Lincoln Myers Studio
A. Moran
A. R. Saunders (2)
A. Sadik
A. Sfeir (2)
A. Wazir
A.A. Milne
A.F. Kindersley
A.J. Mauassek
A.J. Pattlan (4)
A.K. Hitti (4)
A.K. Hitti & Co. (2)
A.N. Marquis & Company
Abbas Bajani
Abd al-Hajj
Abdallah Rizk
Abdo Elias Kemaide
Abdo Kemaide (2)
Abdon Daoud Ackad
Abdul-Muhsin Al-Saadoun
Abdulhameed alZahrawee
Abraham Al Hage
Abraham Ribicoff
Ackad (4)
Ackad Portraits (2)
Ad-Diyar (2)
Add-N-Type Co.
Adeeb Fatoush
Adib (5)
Adla Hobeiche (20)
Aelyas Kassab
Afifa al Zammar (8)
Agenzia Patrasso
Agnes Anderson
Agnes C. Laut (4)
Ahlam (2)
Ahmad Sohrab
Ahmed alSafi
Ahmed Shakis alKarmi
Ahmed Zaki (2)
Akram Khater
Akram Khater, Mitchell Mack
Al Anwar (2)
Al Kifah al Arabi
Al Muktataf & Al Mokattam
Al-Hoda (5)
Al-Hoda Centennial Committee (4)
Al-Hoda Press (4)
Al-Mustaqbal (2)
Alain Joseph
Alamphon (7)
Alamphon Recording (2)
Alamphon Records (25)
Albany Law School
Albany Public Library
Alber-Wickes Platform Service
Albert Beyrouth
Albert F. Rihani
Albert G. Jacob
Albert Howe
Albert Howe Lybyer (2)
Albert Joseph
Albert Rihani (8)
Albert W. Staub (4)
Alex Daye (Dayyeh) (3)
Alex S. Pow
Alexander Farhood Real Estate Speculator
Alexander Haddad
Alfonso Saenz Pardo (2)
Alfred Day
Alfred Ellis (20)
Alfred Faris
Alfred Saperston
Alfred Scott, Publisher (2)
Alfreda Ellis (5)
Alice Benning (2)
Alice Mokarzel Jaoudi
Alice W. Shepard
Alice Zraick
Alixa Naff
Alpha Iota
Alta Comisaria de Espana
Alvey A. Adee (4)
Amar Singh
Ameen Rihani
Ameen Albert Rihani
Ameen F. Haddad
Ameen F. Rihani (100)
Ameen Garyeb
Ameen Nuzhet
Ameen Rihani (697)
Amercan Art Publishing Co.
American Bible Society
American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant (25)
American Consular General (8)
American Consular Service (16)
American Consulate General
American Druze Society
American Expeditionary Forces
American Express Company (6)
American Foreign Service
American Institute for Foreign Study
American Line
American University of Beirut (8)
American Vice Consul of Beirut
American War Dads
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (4)
Amesbury Street School (2)
Amin Beder
Amin Kisbany (15)
Amy Loveman (3)
Amy M. Gilbert (2)
Amy Richards Colton
Ana Darouich alAmouri
Anatolios Haddad
Andre Tardieu
Andrew Gilbert
Andrews Chamber of Commerce
Andrews Journal (4)
Andrews Lions Club
Angele Ellis (102)
Anis Baqli
Anis Fuleihan (9)
Anis Jurige (2)
Anis Kuri alMakdisi
Ann Hollingsworth (2)
Ann Watkins (4)
Anna C. Markham (8)
Anna H. Branch
Anna Hempstead Branch
Anna M. Hutchins
Anna Wolfinger
Anne H. Branch
Anne King
Anne Parthem
Annie O'Hanian
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese (21)
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (150)
Antoine F. Khater
Anton and Sons
Antonin Habeeka Studio
Antoun Najim
Arab American Institute (2)
Arab American Institute Foundation
Arab National League (6)
Arax Photo Studio (3)
Arax Studio
Arlington Mill (2)
Arlington Mills (10)
Armenian Photo Studio (2)
Arnold J. Toynbee (7)
Arthur B. Maurice (2)
Arthur Hays Sulzberger
Arthur J. Lacy (3)
Arthur Street
As'ad Attallah (2)
As'ad Darouich Zacharias (9)
As'ad Koury Tobia Attallah (8)
As'ad Tobia
As'ad Tobia Attallah (4)
Asheville Citizen and Times
Asheville Citizen-Times (4)
Asia Magazine (37)
Assad Abouhadah (2)
Assad T. Ghosn
Association of Palestine Fraternity
Augustinian Academy
Augustinian College
Augustinian Seminary Guild
Ayer Mill (2)
Ayer Mills
Ayoub Kemeid (3)
Aziz Asaad Butrus
Aziz Asaad Butrus Raad (17)
Azziza Productions (3)
B. Hubert Cooper (3)
B. M. Sheridan
B. R. Bradley
Badea and Jamil
Badia Assaf (8)
Badiha Merheb (4)
Badiha Moukarzel
Badry Farkouh
Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie, Afrique (6)
Barbara McRae
Barringer Studio, Inc.
Basile Nahas (4)
Battery Realty Co. (3)
Bayard Dodge (16)
Bearta Powell
Beatrice Erskine
Beatrice Irvine
Beatrice J. Wulf
Beatrice Rothschild
Beatrice Tyler Sanderson
Beecher Stowe
Benjamin March
Benzinger Brothers, Inc.
Berea College
Bernardos Ghbaire al Hakim
Bertha Case (55)
Beshareh Abdullah alKhouri (2)
Bette Elliott
Betty L. Greer
Beul Weisberg
Bey Aleph Sorority
Billee Fisher (9)
Binyammin Khoury
Biotechnology Magazine
Birmingham News
Bisher Faris (2)
Bishop Butrus alZughbi
Bladen County Office of Register of Deeds
Blanche Pearce (2)
Bob Terrell
Bob Totaro (3)
Bobbitt Brothers
Boise Hawks
Bonfils (6)
Boosey & Hawkes, Inc.
Boston Music Co. (2)
Boston Registry Department
Boutros El-Khouri
Boutros Oussani
Brown University
Bruno Huhn (3)
Butrus Khouri
C. Barrett
C. Becher Furness
C. Singer
C.F. Stansbury
C.H. Griffith (6)
C.J. Collins
C.Q. Chiu
Cairophon BDA
Calvary Cemetery (15)
Cammionage de Chemin de Fer de Paris et Lyon et la Méditerranée
Capital Ballet Company
Capital District Committee for Palestinian Rights
Carl Fischer, Inc.
Carlos (4)
Carol Hymowitz
Caroline M. Holmes
Carolyn Harmon
Carrie Chapman Catt
Carrie Curran Stamey
Carthage Republican Tribune (3)
Cassilly Cook (4)
Cathedral Latin High School (2)
Catherine Cooke
Catherine Wells (2)
Catholic Foreign Mission Society
Cecil O'Gorman (2)
Central Asian Society (7)
Centre Naji Photographique (2)
Century Art Studio (2)
Charles Bencsik & Son
Charles C. Crane (2)
Charles Corm (3)
Charles D. Atkins
Charles Daniel
Charles H. Studin (2)
Charles J. Ogden
Charles L. Reid
Charles Old
Charles Puhette
Charles S. Badwell (2)
Charles Scribner's Sons
Charles Scribner's Sons Publishers
Charles Somerville
Charles Traynor, Funeral Director
Charlotte Teller (33)
Charlotte Tuttle
Charmion Von Wiegand (80)
Chautauqua Institution (2)
Chaya (2)
Chedid Samia
Chekralla Chaya (4)
Cherokee County Rural Development Authority
Chester A. Doty
Chester D. Snell (2)
Chibli Mallat
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (4)
Chicago Photo Co.
Child Education Foundation
Christian A. Herter
Christian T. Steger
Christine Campbell Thomson (2)
Chukralla Mubarak (2)
Chukry Nasr Hatem and Emile Joseph Hatem
Church of St. Mary
Church of the Saviour
Cindy Gibson
City Clerk's Office, Dover, New Hampshire
City Clerk's Office, Lawrence, MA
City Clerk's Office, Lawrence, Massachusetts (2)
City Clerk's Office, Worcester, Massachusetts
City Clerk, Lawrence, Massachusetts
City of Boston Registry Department (2)
City of Cleveland, Bureau of Vital Statistics
City of Cleveland, Ohio
City of Dover Inc.
City of Lawrence
City of Lawrence City Clerk's Office
City of Lawrence School Department
City of Lawrence, Massachusetts
City of Manchester, New Hampshire
Clarence Day
Claudette Haddad
Clifford Smyth
Clinton Scollard
Club de la 25 ème Heure-Beyrouth
Cobble Hill Chapels
Coburn Gilman (9)
Colbert P. Howell?
Collier's The National Weekly
Columbia (2)
Columbia Gazette
Columbia Universities A.J. Barnouw
Comisario de Espana
Commonwealth Club of California
Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur Cyprien Fabre & Compagnie
Compagnie Generale Transatlantique (9)
Conrad Oehlrich (3)
Constable and Company Limited (32)
Constance R. Winant
Constantine N. Tabet
Constantine Tabet (11)
Continuation School
Coover, 70 State St., Chicago, IL
Copper City Advance
Cornelia H. Damon
Cosmopolitan Club
Costi K. Zurayk (2)
Council of National Defense (2)
Count Richard Moulinon
County of Schuykill, Pennsylvania (2)
Coward McCann Publishers
Cross Street School (6)
Cultural/Ethnic Dance Repertory
Current History Magazine (6)
Cyril Taylor
D. Clemens
D. E. Callahan
D. Irani (4)
Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY)
Daily Star (2)
Dale Warren (12)
Daniel Henderson
Daniel J. Faour
Daniel J. Faour & Bros.
Daniel Torres (2)
Daoud Brothers
Daowd Barakat
Dar al-'Arabi Printing & Press
Darrow Funeral Home
David A. Curtis (2)
David Keppel (2)
David W. Reidy
Davis & Marsh
De Pauw University
Decca Records
Delkas Music Publishing Co.
Delor Ellis
Dema M. Chayer (2)
Department of Health, City of New York
Department of Labor and Industries
Department of Public Instruction, State of New Hampshire
Department of Public Instruction, State of New Jersey
Department of Public Security, Ministry of the Interior, Egypt
Department of State (142)
Detroit Institute of Arts
DeYoung's (2)
Dicran Basmaji
Diocesan Pastoral Council (2)
Diocesan Respect Life Committee
Diocese of Charlotte Pastoral Council (5)
District Court of the United States, New York
Division of Extension of The American University at Cairo (4)
Dobbs Ferry Register
Docteur S. Najm
Dominican Fathers of Chicago
Don C. Seitz (5)
Donald M. Brodie (2)
Donald S. Rockwell
Doris Kenyon
Doris Kenyon Sill
Doris W. Burrough
Dorney and Farlinger Chapel
Dorothy F. Leet
Dorothy Fuleihan
Dorothy Holmes
Dorothy Mill
Dorothy Turner (2)
Dorothy Van Doren (2)
Dot Mason (2)
Doubleday Page Company
Dr. A. J. Riepelle
Dr. I. A. Hajjar
Dr. N. K. Bastile
Dr. N.H. Bitar
Dr. Ram Narayan
Dr. Riaz Ahmad
Dr. Tewfik Koureichi (2)
Durham Morning Herald
Dutchess Community College
E. C. Babcock
E. de Mulinen (21)
E. Karam
E. Lucile Noble
E. Rhone Sasser
E. Touhel
E. U. Butterfield
E.A. Freeman (4)
E.F. Weck
E.H. Tunison
E.J. Audi (2)
E.J. Halow (12)
Earle A. Walcott
East Street Studio (Hadley, MA)
eba Center for Dance and Movement (2)
eba Dance Theatre
Eden M. Groth
Edgar J. Fisher (16)
Edma Attallah
Edsall Studio (10)
Eduah Crosby Farrier
Edward Alsworth Ross
Edward C. Saleeby (2)
Edward Capps
Edward Fantine Studios
Edward Garned (3)
Edward George Rabil, Jr.
Edward J. Dieb
Edward J. Simon
Edward M. Shiner
Edward Mitty, St. Patrick's Cathedral
Edward Nickoley
Edward W. Najam, Jr.
Edwin C. Walker
Edwin E. Calverley
Edwin Markham (2)
Egyptian Ministry of Culture
Eissa Khouri
El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores
Elaine H. Williams
Elaine Ogburn
Elbert A. Wickes (3)
Elektra Rosanska (3)
Elia Abi Madhi
Elias Hadshety
Elias Jabbour (3)
Elias Nakhleh (Najle) (2)
Elias Nassif (2)
Elias R. Etala
Elias S. Khalifah (4)
Elias Slaiman al Zammar
Elias Zaytoun
Elie A. Salem
Elihu Grant
Elisabeth McK. Scott (5)
Eliyahu Epstein (3)
Elizabeth MacCallum (2)
Elizabeth Mason
Elizabeth McClave (4)
Elizabeth P. MacCallum (18)
Elizabeth Schofield (2)
Ellen C. Beck
Ellen Laincz Middle Eastern Designs
Ellen N. Maroun
Elliot E. Cohen
Elsie Gluck
Elsie Smith Gleason
Elsie Weil (5)
Ely Esalmer
Embassy of Lebanon
Embassy of Lebanon, Washington, D.C.
Embassy of the United States of America
Emigration Office of Naples [Ufficio Emigrazione di Napoli]
Emil Nassar (2)
Emile H. Sharteni (3)
Emile Maklouf
Emilie Mary Strause
Emilio Kemaide (2)
Emily G. Balch (2)
Emily L. Lorraine (2)
Emily P. Cape (5)
Emily Rashid Hobeiche
Emily Rieder (6)
Empress Club
Envoy Motel
Ephram Chemali (2)
Eric Lusk
Ernest B. Price
Ernest Balch (3)
Ernest Ingersoll (4)
Ernest Minor Patterson
Ernestine Evans
Ernie Mansour
Erwin Karl
Eshahia Kefoury
Esther G. Ogden
Etablissements Hippiques du Levant
Ethel Franklin Ellis (4)
Eugene Faris
Eugene Jung
Eugene Spiegel
Eugenie Cherbal
Evelyn Haddad (15)
Everett Mills
Executive Office of the President
F. B. Riley
F. Hourani
F. Krach
F. Michael Kouri
F. Mikael Tabut
F.G. Donatosian (2)
F.R. Bartholomew (2)
Faisal bin Abdulaziz bin Saud
Fancher E. Wakefield
Fannie Fern Andrews (2)
Fares (3)
Fares Hobeiche
Farid Rizk
Farkouh Bros
Farria Afifa
Farris Marad (2)
Father Bob Bond
Father Christopher Morris
Father Elias Bassil (7)
Father Emmanuel alBa'abdani
Father Francis
Father Francise Ayyoub
Father Gerald Lewis
Father Michael
Father Mikhail
Father Peter Tohmey
Father Tobia al-Issa (6)
Father Tobia Attallah
Father Butrus Azar
Father Tobia Attallah (9)
Father Toubia Jdaidi Antouni (2)
Father Toubia Turk
Father Youhanna alMallah
Father Yousef
Father Yousef Barroud
Father Yousef Khoury
Father Zaidan
Fayetteville Observer
Fedora Kurban (7)
Felix Fares
Felix Faris
Felix Farres (9)
Feriale El-Khouri
Fernando W. Badias
Ferris Greenslet (6)
Field Museum of Natural History
First Secretary
Flora Warren Seymour (20)
Florence Botsford
Florence C. Boone
Florence Howe (2)
Florence Jackson Stoddard (2)
Florence Marone (14)
Florence Temple Lash
Florence W. Evans (2)
Foreign Affairs Council
Foreign Policy Association (134)
Forrest Spaulding (3)
Forum Magazine (4)
Foto Bayer
Foto El Arte (6)
Fotografia La Moderna
Fouad alKhateeb
Fouad Hamza (2)
Fozan alSabek (2)
Fozie Rahal (3)
Franc Macons
Frances Falkenbury, Jr. (2)
Frances J. Pratt (11)
Frances Mason
Frances Pratt (3)
Francis B. Biddle
Francis J. Oppenheimer
Francis Mikhail
Francis Nassif
Frank A. Miller
Frank D. Halsey
Frank D. Morris
Frank Deering
Frank E. Davis
Frank Holmes (11)
Frank Kelly
Frank Lackteen
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin L. Fisher (2)
Franklin Street School
Fred A. Etoll
Fred A. Kadane (2)
Fred Gates
Fred Harrington (4)
Fred J. Bistany (2)
Frederic Warren (2)
Frederick J. Bliss (4)
Freya Stark (2)
Friends of Progress
Friends' High School for Boys
Fuad Ajram
Fuad I. Shatara (15)
G. Fisher
G. Schirmer, Inc. (5)
G. Tabet
G.H. Winslow
G.K. Nariman (12)
G.P. Hobeien (2)
Gabriel Kouri (2)
Gabriel Oussani
Gadda Georges Nassar
Gail Grim
Gainesville Daily Sun
General transatlantic company (11)
Genevieve Courtes
Genevieve Merritt (3)
Genevieve R. Joseph (3)
Genevieve W. Mason (3)
George & Totah (2)
George B. Manhart
George F. Dobson Jr.
George Habea
George Hourani
George Hughes, Justice of the Peace
George Kahdy
George Kmeid (7)
George Lahood (2)
George Maron El-Khouri (5)
George Routledge & Sons, LTD.
George S. Buck (2)
George Shadroui
George Steele Seymour (20)
George Sterling (6)
George Stewart (2)
George Tattersfield
George Tumeh (8)
George W. Ochs-Oakes
George Walton
Georges and Salwa Saykali
Georges Chaya
Georges Cyr
Georges Gousquet
Georges Jamati (5)
Georges Kallass
Georges Saykali (112)
Geroges Saykali (7)
Gerome D. Green
Gertrude Bell (3)
Gertrude E. Hogan
Gertrude L. O'Connell
Gilbert Saykali (3)
Gillespie (2)
Gilson G. Blake
Gladys Abbott (2)
Gladys Rice (3)
Glenmary Challenge
Gloria A. Thomas
Gold Leaf Farmer (2)
Golden Syndicate Publishing Company (3)
Goldsboro News Argus
Gonzalo Fernandez
Good Shepherd Home Health Agency
Gorham Manufacturing Company (2)
Gorra Brothers (2)
Governence General du Liban
Government Loan Organization (2)
Government of Palestine Department of Migration
Governor Michael Easley (2)
Grace Dickinson Sperling
Grace M. Cunningham
Graham H. Kemper
Grande Bijouterie Horlogerie de la Poste
Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch Maronites
Greensboro Daily News
Greensboro News & Record
Grena Bennett
H. Armstrong (3)
H. Finkelstein & Son
H. Laflommen (3)
H. Neil Christiansen (2)
H. Runham Brown (4)
H.A.R. Gibb (15)
H.F. Otash
H.F. Ziegler's Continental Photograph Gallery
H.G. Wells (4)
H.R. Brown
H.R. Matthews
H.S. Gregory (4)
H.W. Dunning
Habib I. Katibah (8)
Habib Ibrahim Katibah (104)
Habib Rashid Zughbi
Hafiz Wahba
Haig Brothers
Haleem El-Hage
Hammam Abdel Rahim
Hampshire Street School (2)
Hanna Abdalla Nasser
Hanna Attallah
Hannah Kadane
Hannah Zizhzghy
Hans Kohn (24)
Haras de l'Etat de Monte (literally translates to "mounted stud farming" or something along those lines) (3)
Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. Publishers
Hardwick Clothes
Khouri's Department Store
Hareth T. Rawi
Harlem Hospital
Harold de Wolf Fuller (2)
Harold T. Pulsifer (7)
Harper's Weekly
Harriet M. Miller (2)
Harrington Studio (2)
Harris & Ewing
Harrods Ltd.
Harry Viteles (4)
Hashim al-Atassi
Haut Commissariat de la Republique Francaise en Syrie and au liban
Haut Commissariat de la Republique Francaise en Syrie et Cilicie
Haut Commissariat de la République Française
Hebrew University in Palestine
Helen Goodale
Helen Holmes
Helen L. Uniss
Helen Peal (3)
Helen Reid
Helen Samhan
Helene Ma'jret
Henri Natib
Henrietta Gerwig (2)
Henrietta Merrick (13)
Henrike Gonzalez
Henry B. Morrow
Henry D. Lindsley (2)
Henry Field (2)
Henry Goddard Leach
Henry Hurwitz
Henry R. Noyes
Henry S. Huntington (4)
Henry T. Schmittkind (2)
Henry van Dyke
Henry-Cochran Funeral Home
Herbert Attaway
Hewitt Davenport
High Commission of the French Republic in Syria and Lebanon
High Commission of the Republic of France in Syria and Cilicia
High Commission of the Republic of France in Syria and Lebanon
High Commission Offices of the Republic of France in Syria and Cilicia
Holy Eastern Orthodox Church of the United States
Holy Spirit Orthodox Church (Huntington, WV)
Homer Davenport
Houghton Mifflin Company (30)
Howard S. Bliss (4)
Hubert H. Humphrey (3)
Hugh J. Cronin
Hussein Aweni
Hussein Fawzi
Hussein Jaffe
I.L. Winters
Ibn Khalak Kmeid
Ibrahim Mejahid alJaza'eri
Ida Storch (3)
Ignaty Krachkovsky (5)
Immigration Service (31)
Independent Province of Lebanon (3)
Indiana Universities W.S. Bittner
Indianapolis News
Institut Fur Auswartige Politik (3)
Institute for Contemporary Arab and Islamic Studies, Villanova University
Institute of International Education (24)
International Arabic Youth Exchange
International Folk Dancing U.S.A.
International House (10)
International Institute (2)
International Relations Committee
Ira Rich Kent (4)
Iraq Currency Board
Iraq Petroleum Company (2)
Irita Van Doren
Irving Kolodin
Irving Underhill
Irwin Belk
Isabel Oussani
Isabel Oussani Fuleihan
Isabelle J. Hyer (8)
Isidor M. Golden
Issa Alexandre Malouf
Issa Bros. Studio, Beirut
Italian Cultural Garden Association
Ivie Funeral Home (2)
Izza Tannous
J. A. Levek, MD
J. Broadley
J. de Sibour
J. Fischer & Bro.
J. Manz & Go Chic
J. McKenna
J. McKenna, Granite and Marble Works
J.A. Montgomery
J.B. Lippincott Company Publishers
J.B. Pond Lyceum Bureau
J.C. Sellors
J.H. Kassees
J.K. Cole
J.M.H. Baroody
J.N. Farquhan
J.P. Callaghan
J.R. Owens
J.R.Y. Blakely
J.W. Dunkley
J.W. Hampton
Jabaley's Department Store
Jack Frost
Jack Shaheen
Jacko Rastekian
Jacksonville Daily News (10)
Jacob Kooman
Jacques Chambrun (11)
Jaffa Young Men's Christian Association (5)
James A. Montgomery (5)
James B. Hunt Jr.
James B. Kenyon (8)
James Carleton Young (4)
James Dahir
James Digman, Justice of the Peace
James G. Martin
James G. McDonald (4)
James J. Zogby
James Louis Smith
James T. White & Co. (2)
James Wellard (4)
Jamil Baroody
Jamil Maloof
Jane Young
Jasmin Lauzi Jasmin
Jean [Sardou?]
Jean Celery (2)
Jean Rosboraugh
Jeanne Bejani (6)
Jene Magione
Jerji Nicola Khattar al-Chuayri
Jerry Allen, Calvary Cemetery
Jerry L. Cross
Jerry McGuinnoss
Jerusalem Young Men's Christian Association (3)
Jesse S. Reeves
Jessie B. Rittenhouse
Jessie L. Trourel
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Jim Hunt Committee
Jim Laughter
Jirji Demetri Sersa' (4)
Jirji Libnan
Jirjis alKusus
Joe J. Baultey
Joe M. Joseph
Joe Saykali (14)
Joe Stewart (44)
John A. Severance
John Bannon (2)
John Banum
John Batal, MD
John Becca
John C. Symmen
John E. Staudacher
John Erskine
John Flesher
John Fuler
John H. Ringe
John H. Wigmore
John Hazam
John Howland Lathrop
John J. Shoule
John J. Williams, S. J. (6)
John K. Wright
John Lane Company (11)
John M. McHugh
John Mack & Son
John Oussani
John Rotelle
John T. Church
John T. Gill
John Taylor Arms (2)
John Van Ess
Johnston Memorial Hospital
Joint Peace Council
Jonathan C. Randal
Joseph A. Duffey
Joseph A. Yazbik
Joseph Abdoo
Joseph Attallah
Joseph Beniamin El-Koury
Joseph Brainin
Joseph El-Khouri (5)
Joseph Howayek (2)
Joseph Malko
Joseph Mallozi
Joseph Maroun El-Khouri (2)
Joseph Martin
Joseph Norsiff
Joseph Oussani (6)
Joseph Rihani (4)
Joseph T. Kennedy Funeral Chapel (3)
Joseph Zaytoun
Josephine Nader
Josh Smith
Jospeh Chaya
Jospeh Moussi
Joyce Kilmer (2)
Juan Gait (Hanna Ghayth)
Judy Bolch
Julian Seaman
K.P. Damlamian (4)
K.S. Twitchell
Kahdy Family (2)
Kahlil Gibran (4)
Kail Ellis (191)
Kalil Moussa Marjaba
Kallem Haddad
Kannan Family
Karim Maron
Karim Maroon (5)
Karl Lederle (3)
Karl Lederle Studio (2)
Kate Cohen (2)
Katharine Lewis (3)
Katherine Birdsall
Kathleen Mitchell
Kathryn Findlen
Katia Nordgren
Katisha Hayes
Kazahiya alAqiqi
Kennedy & Co. Rare Prints
Kenneth Williams (5)
Kenyon College
Keserwan District Court of First Instance (2)
Khalifah Family
Khalil alKhouri
Khalil Hobeiche (11)
Khalil Joseph Nader Raad (26)
Khalil Khuri
Khalil Salibi
Khalil Totah
Khalsa Free Library
Khouri Afram
Khouri Amanouel al Rasmawi
Khouri Andraous Essa
Khouri Antonin Boutrus
Khouri Basilius Hayek
Khouri Bolus (2)
Khouri Boutros
Khouri Boutros Aoun
Khouri Boutros Ibrahim
Khouri Boutrus (2)
Khouri Boutrus al Haj Boutrus
Khouri Boutrus al Tannouri (8)
Khouri Boutrus Aoun (2)
Khouri Boutrus Bakalbani
Khouri Boutrus Boutrus
Khouri Boutrus Kafinany
Khouri Boutrus Najah Boutrus
Khouri Boutrus Rabil
Khouri Boutrus Rael
Khouri Boutrus Shaj Boutrus
Khouri Boutrus Zahre
Khouri Boutruson
Khouri Bronobabas Elia al Antaki (2)
Khouri Butrus alZughbi
Khouri David Hajjar
Khouri Elias
Khouri Elias al Hadsheti
Khouri Elias al Hadshity
Khouri Elias Al Hedsheeti
Khouri Elias al Zammar
Khouri Elias alHadshity (2)
Khouri Elias Qardahi
Khouri Elias Zaitoun (3)
Khouri Estephan Seffier
Khouri Ethnasious Ghannam (2)
Khouri Francis Basile
Khouri Fransis Basile
Khouri Gabreil
Khouri Gabreil al Afeesh
Khouri Gabrial al Bustani
Khouri Habib (2)
Khouri Hanna (2)
Khouri Hannah Bekfaya
Khouri Ibraheem Najah
Khouri Khalil
Khouri Khalil Hayek
Khouri Mansour al Khouri
Khouri Mansour Stephan
Khouri Michael
Khouri Michael Thomas
Khouri Minas Kfouri
Khouri Mousa Abi Haidar
Khouri Mousa Fayadh
Khouri Mousa Marhaj
Khouri Nematallah (2)
Khouri Nematallah al-Hasibany
Khouri Nematallah Jadoun Antony
Khouri Nickola Aqel
Khouri Nofia
Khouri Rafael
Khouri Romanos
Khouri Silversteros Malouf
Khouri Yakob al Bahani
Khouri Youhanna al Nadaf
Khouri Youhanna Al Nyaf
Khouri Youhanna Elias (2)
Khouri Youhanna Maron al Raghraghi
Khouri Youhanna Maron Alraara'ai
Khouri Youhanna Mujas
Khouri Youssed
Khouri Youssed Mansour (2)
Khouri Youssed Mansour Al Qizzi
Khouri Youssed Merab
Khouri Youssef
Khouri Youssef Awn
Khouri Youssef Hatem (3)
Khouri Youssef Mansour
Khouri Youssef Moussa
Khouri Youssef Mubarak
Khouri Youssef Samaan (2)
Khouri Youssef Serkis
Khouri Yousuf Sharabiah
Khouri's Department Store
Khouries Direct Importer
Khoury Youseef
King Abdulaziz
King Abdulaziz bin Saud (41)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Kingsport Times
Kirsi Makela
Knights of Columbus (2)
Koury Mikael Koury
Kropp Co.
Krouger Attallah (2)
Krouger Kouri Tobia (47)
L. Beard
L.L. Mason Jr.
L.P. Holden
L.W. Leavitt
La Moderna (6)
La paroisse St. Georges
La Presse Montreal (3)
Laila Mahmoud
Lake City Reporter
Larissa Melnikova Karam
Larousse Publishing
Laurence Michalak
Law Offices of Katz and Sommerich (2)
Lawrence Americanization Office
Lawrence City Clerk's Office
Lawrence City Mission
Lawrence Department of Public Schools
Lawrence High School (10)
Lawrence Public Schools
Lawrence Public Schools, Special School
Lawrence School Department (25)
Lawrence Telegram Department
Layyah A. Barakat
Le Moyne College
Lebanese (Libanese) Maronite Order
Lebanese Gazette
Lebanon American Club of Poughkeepsie
Lebanon American-Daughters (3)
Lebanon News
Lebanon the Peaceful
Lebanon-American Club (6)
Lebanon-American Daughters
Lebanon-Syrian American Association
Lee Anne McConville
Leonard V. Finder (2)
Les amis du progrès (3)
Leslie R. Bates
Leslie W. Leavitt (2)
Lester E. Hornby
Lester Markel (2)
Library of the United States Information Service
Lillian D. Wald (11)
Linda Charlton
Lindsay A. Waters
Lisa Saleh (2)
Lois (4)
Lois A. Bannister
Londa Fletcher
Loretta Bub
Loretta Saleeba Jolley
Lou Sahadi
Louis D. Froelick (23)
Louis DeWitt Record
Louis J. Alber (9)
Louis Leakey
Louis M. Eilshemius (5)
Louis Massignon (3)
Louis Newman (3)
Louis Restein
Louise Boyd
Louise Burton Laidlaw
Lowell Thomas
Lucian Kirtland
Lucien Wolf
Lucky Platt & Co.
Lutfi M. Sa'di (6)
Lutfi Sa'di
M. El-Khouri
M. Fadluddin (4)
M. Harrison & Co. (2)
M. Kouri
M. M. alFattah
M. Nobart
M. Paul Roche
M. Rotundo
M. Schwartz (3)
M.A.E. White (4)
M.C. Stewart
M.M. Miller
M.M. Shoemaker (2)
M.S. Abourjaily (2)
Mabel H.
Mabel Hutchins (2)
MacFadden Publications Inc.
Mack Family (3)
Macksoud Brothers & Company
Mahel E.L. Mojannay
Mahlon Leonard Fisher
Mahmoud Reda
Majid Kemaide (2)
Major C. Barrett (3)
Major H.R.P. Dickson
Malcolm D. Whitman
Malden Forum Inc.
Malik Kemaide
Malkah Raymist
Maloof Music Studios (2)
Maloof Phono. & Music Co. (2)
Maloof Phonograph & Music Co.
Malvina Chiorieri
Malvina Choieree
Manchester, New Hampshire City Clerk
Mandy Benter
Mansour Estephan
Mansour Habib Gabriel
Mansout Elias al-Bitar
Marcel Rechou
Margaret Abeed
Margaret Avery (3)
Margaret B. Fraser
Margaret C. White
Margaret Donohoe
Margaret F. Sloss
Margaret Farquharson (3)
Margaret King
Margaret Louka
Margaret Obeid
Margaret Oussani (4)
Margaret White (2)
Margo Elias Abeed
Marguerite G. Hopkins (4)
Marguerite Obeid (3)
Marguerite Wilkinson (2)
Mariam Hobeiche (24)
Mariam Mansour (2)
Mariam Naoum
Mariam Srour
Marian Squire
Marie Angele (4)
Marie el-Khoury (3)
Marie Geselschap (5)
Marie Louise Fontaine (17)
Marie Terese (3)
Marie Theresa Ellis (5)
Marie Theresa Hobeiche
Marie Therese Ellis (2)
Marietta Neff (6)
Marion F. Newton
Marion Ingersoll (2)
Marlowe Music
Maron (Myron) Domit Barkett (2)
Maron Abu Zaid
Maronite Archbishopric Of Cyprus,
Maronite Community of the Carolinas (2)
Maronite Patriarchate (2)
Marsha El-Khouri Shiver
Marshall N. Fox (4)
Martin Sprengling (7)
Mary A. Frack
Mary Bell
Mary Christian Forgen
Mary Dickson
Mary Dodge (5)
Mary Fanton Roberts
Mary L. Greene
Mary L. Waite (13)
Mary Mokarzel (81)
Mary Raymond Garrettson Andrew (10)
Mary Sawaya Beshere
Masarah H. Sa'di
Masculin: Le premier mensuel libanais pout l'hommes
Massachusetts State Board of Labor and Industries (4)
Masud Musaber
Matthew McEvoy, Calvary Cemetery (2)
May Al-Helo
May Folwell Hoisington
May Riley Smith (3)
May Ziade (3)
Maynard Owen Williams
Melvin Hall (2)
Melvina Choieree
Memorial Mission Hospital (2)
Mergenthaler Linotype Company (2)
Merle M. Odgens (2)
Meshwar Magazine
Messageries Maritimes
Meta Schwam
Metri Karam
Metrolina Phoenician Club (2)
Michael A. E. White
Michael C. Hudson
Michael J. Begley
Michael Monahan (100)
Micheal Saadeh
Michel (3)
Michel Hayek
Michel Murad
Michel Rbeiz
Michel Saykali (287)
Michel Tohmey
Middle East Airlines (3)
Middle East Cafe
Middle Eastern Entertainment Inc. of New Jersey
Mikhail J. Naimy (2)
Mildred Kheiralla
Miles M. Dawson
Milton Wright (2)
Ministerio de la Gobernación
Ministry of the Interior, Egypt
Miss Louis Yazbeck
Mitchell David Baddour (2)
Mitri Karam (4)
Mohammad alSlaiman alHamdan
Mohammed Abdulwahab
Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (9)
Mohammed Saeed alSaed Mansour
Moise Abi-Haider
Moise Khayrallah (2)
Molly Corby (9)
Montague Castle-London Co.
Mooresville Museum
Moses Bohider
Moses Otto Hider
Mother Rose Marie
Mother Superior Margaret
Moussa Domit
Mrs. Frederick A. Poaley
Mrs. I. Pearlman
Mrs. Phillip D. Wosser
Mudie's Select Library
Muhammad Ahmad Khan (3)
Muhammad Husayn alNajafi (3)
Muhammad Husayn alNajafi.
Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i
Muhammad Kurd Ali (2)
Murphy Lions Club
Mustafa Khan (4)
Mustapha Farroukh (6)
Muteea Deeb
Myra Kingman Miller (2)
N. Fenton Smith
N. J. Delerine
N. S. Fuleihan and Company
N.M. Kennedy
Nadim Attallah (24)
Nadima Nimr
Nahde Hobeiche (15)
Najeeb H. Samra
Najeeb Samra
Naji Hilal (Andrew Shanikovsky)
Najib H. Kisbany (2)
Najib Kisbany
Namatallah Jidoun
Namtallah Hobeiche (12)
Naoum Labaki
Naoum Mokarzel
Naseeb Salibi
Nasib Trabulsi
Nasri Faris
Nassar Attallah
National Association of Arab Americans
National Association of Home Health Agencies
National Committee of Gibran (17)
National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War
National Council of Tourism in Lebanon (2)
National Dance Association
National Federation of College Women
National Federation of Republican Women
National Geographic Magazine
National Geographic Society
National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon
Navy NewsStand
Nazhem Irani
Nazmy (3)
Near East College (2)
Near East Dance Theatre (2)
Neetie L. Dugas
Neil W. Kelleher
Neilson Olcott
Nell Kahdy (2)
Nellie Mettrey Kahdy
Nelly C. Matthews
Nema alHaj
Nematallah abi Lutfallah
nephew of Father Tobia
Neville Fuleihan
New Bern Sun Journal
New Hanover County Public Library (3)
New Jersey Department of Health and Human Services
New York American
New York Daily Mirror
New York Evening World
New York Herald Tribune
New York Herald-Tribune
New York Press Club
New York Times (7)
New York Times Illustrated Magazine
New York Tribune
News-Herald (Albany, NY)
Newton D. Baker
NEXT! Magazine
Nicholas M. Lattof (6)
Nichols and Hobbie (4)
Nick Weaver (2)
Nicola Al-Dibis (2)
Nicola Tabet
Nina Price (6)
Norman Cousins
Norman Hartman
Norman Trueblood
North Carolina Board of Transportation
North Carolina Catholic
North Carolina Democratic Party
North Carolina Department of Human Resources
North Carolina Department of Transportation
North Carolina Governor's Office (3)
North Carolina Priests Association
North Carolina State Board of Health (2)
North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation
Northampton Traction Company (2)
Northwestern University
Notary Public
Nuri al-Said
O. A. Fetch
Obermüller & Son (3)
Ocean Parkway Jewish Center
Olan Mills (2)
Olga B. Wiese
Olga Elkhouri
Olga Nethersole
Oliver School (6)
Olivia C. Holt (2)
Omar Faroukh
Omar Toulon
Order of Bookfellows (20)
Oriental Images
Oskar F. Bock
Oswaldo Acosta
Otis Steimer
Ottoman Empire (2)
Ottoman Government (2)
Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral
Our Lady of Mount Lebanon Church
Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church
P. Cox
P. Fontana (2)
P. Garbo
P.B. Dexter and Son
P.B. Smith
P.K. Nofel
Pacific Mills (6)
Pacific Print Works
Pacific Worsted Mill
Parish of St. George
Pasadena City Schools
Patricia Dawson (2)
Paul Alliny (2)
Paul Erdman
Paul Knabenshue (7)
Paul List Verlag
Paul R. Milton
Paul Rowland
Paul Savage
Paul W. Bartlett (6)
Pauline Kappus (2)
Pauline Shumway
Paulo Tacla
Pearl Freeman
Pelham Junior High School
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pensacola News Journal
Percy White
Permanent Mission of Lebanon
Peter A. Shaia
Peter George
Peter Serill
Phares A. Behannesey
Philadelphia Catholic Standard and Times
Philadelphia Postal Card Co.
Philately Union
Philip Graves (4)
Philip J. Andrews (2)
Philip K. Hitti (2)
Philip M. C. Zrike
Philip Saad
Philip W. Ireland (2)
Phillip Saikley
Phillips Publishing Company (2)
Photo Albert Studio
Photo Aurore (4)
Photo Shop 61 Middle St. New Bern, NC (6)
Phyllis Austin
Phyllis Cooley
Pierre Gemayel
Pierre Hage Boutros
Pierre Ibrahim
Pierre Karam
Pierre Sadeq (3)
Pinecrest Park Corporation
Pinkelstein & Son
Polly Prescott
Postes & Telegraphes (2)
Poughkeepsie Journal (4)
President's Council on Service and Civil Participation (2)
Presse Photo Ges.m.b.h (3)
Prince Line
Princeton University
Princeton University Press
Printing & Publishing House
Prospect Mills
Province Autonome du Liban (3)
Purdue University (3)
Purdy Studio (2)
R. B. Shipley
R. F. Fox
R. Holtby Myers
R.A. Hildebrand (2)
R.B. Cunninghame Graham (12)
R.B. Shipley (3)
R.E. Turpin
R.G. Nicholson
R.W. Bullard (3)
Radwan Shahhal
Rafael Lateef
Raff Ellis
Rafic Ellis (3)
Raghib al-Nashashibi
Raja Khalifah
Raleigh News & Observer
Raleigh News and Observer (6)
Ralph W. Barnette (2)
Ram Narayan
Randolph Ray
Raphael Colour Photographs
Raul Slaiman Attallah
Ray T. Morgan (2)
RCA Victor
Reba H. Thompson
Reed College
Reformatted by Akram Khater
Register of Deeds of Lenoir County, NC
Registri Buffetti
Rennie Smith (3)
Republic of Lebanon (3)
Republic of Syria
Republique Libanaise
Republique Libanaise, Administration des Postes
Rev. G. Bostany
Rev. Mosa Boohaider
Rev. S. Sleim
Rev. Thomas O'Keefe
Reverend "Imam" Hussein Karoub
Reverend Edward J. Sheridan (2)
Reverend Joseph S. Showfety
Reverend Michael F. Burbidge
Ricci Studios
Richard Campbell
Richard Le Gallienne (4)
Richard Walsh (6)
Ried Cory
Ringe & Ringe
Ripcho Studio
Rising Star Lodge (2)
Robert A. Suffern (2)
Robert C. Finley
Robert Erskine Ely (2)
Robert F. Prevost
Robert Gale Woolbert
Robert Gordon Canning
Robert Gordon-Canning
Robert H. Hartmann
Robert M. McBride & Company (2)
Robert N. Giaimo
Robert P. Huntley
Robert Paddock
Robert R. Biglow
Roger Saykali
Roger Saykalo
Roosevelt Health Institute
Rosamonde Wimberly (3)
Rose El-Khouri (2)
Rose M. Previtali
Rose Sutton Hicks
Rosenberg, Ball & Marvin
Rossiter Johnson
Roy A. Taylor (3)
Roy Davis
Royal Air Force
Royal Central Asian Society
Royal S. Copeland
Rufus Edmisten for Governor Committee
Russel Ficke, Calvary Cemetery (2)
Russell Ficke, Calvary Cemetery (2)
Russell Walker
Ruth Crawford Mitchell
Ryad Ameen Atta
S. Joseph Beniamin El-Koury
S. L. Jones
S.G. Hayeck, perfumer
S.J. Woolf (2)
S.M. Rashid (2)
S.R. Jordan (2)
Saade Beirut
Sacred Heart Church
Saeed Jamra
Said Daoud Fayad (2)
Said Kmeid
Saint Anthony's Maronite Church
Saint George Hospital
Saint John Maron Church of Buffalo, NY (2)
Saint John Maron Church of Williamsville, NY
Saint Louis of Gonzaga Maronite Church of Utica, NY
Saints Peter & Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church
Saleem Sarkis (2)
Saleh Jaffe
Salem Family (3)
Salem Youssuf Nader Raad (3)
Salloum A. Mokarzel (95)
Salloum Mokarzel (2)
Salma Sa'igh
Salvador Alvarado
Salwa Saykali
Salwá Salāmah Aṭlas
Samir Saleh (2)
Samuel Zwemer
Sandra Koskoff
Sandra Moses Ryland
Sandy Greene
Sarah Nash
Sarah Sofeir
Sassin Zeidan
Sassine Asaad Butrus Raad
Saud bin Abdulaziz
Schenectady Light Opera Company
School of Oriental Studies (6)
Seaside Mortuary
Secretary of Queen of Spain
Selim Totah (3)
Selover Funeral Home (North Brunswick, NJ)
Semiramis Apartment Complex
Senate and House of Representatives
Senator Robert Morgan
Services des Postes et Telegraphes (3)
Seven Arts Feature Syndicate
Seyied Ahmed ibn Yahya el-Kibay
Shadroui Family (2)
Shafiqa Asaad Butrus Raad
Shakin Arslan
Shamira (2)
Shebil (2)
Shebil Naseef
Sheikh Abdulqadir alMaghrabi
Shenandoah Public Schools
Shibil Damous (2)
Shibli Schemeil
Shukrallah Mobarak
Shukrallah Yousef Mabarak
Shukri Baddour (6)
Shukri Beshareh Murad
Sidon Studio
Sigmund Krausz
Simon Abojalad
Sister Augustine
Sister Barbara Agnew
Sister Eugenie Charbol
Sister Germain
Sister Jermania
Sister Justine
Sister Marcella (2)
Sister Marguerite Louvet
Sister Mary Joseph (2)
Sister Mary Michel (4)
Sister Nora
Sister Raja
Sister Victorine El-Khouri (3)
Skip Taylor
SLD's Portrait Studio (2)
Smith Studio, High Point, NC (4)
Smithfield Chamber of Commerce
Smithfield Herald
Societa Anomina di Navicazione
Society of Arts and Sciences (2)
Société Anonym des Drogueries d'Egypte
Solomon Lowenstein
Southern Federation of Syrian and Lebanese American Clubs (302)
Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs (1397)
Southern Music Publishing Co. (3)
Southern Music Publishing Company (2)
Special School (3)
St. Agnes Church
St. Anthony Maronite Church
St. Anthony Syrian Maronite Roman Catholic Church
St. Anthony's Antiochian Orthodox Church (Butler, PA)
St. Anthony's Church (7)
St. Anthony's Church, Lawrence, MA
St. Anthony's Orthodox Church (Bergenfield, NJ) (2)
St. Charles School
St. Charles' Church
St. Elias Eastern Orthodox Church (Syracuse, NY)
St. Elias Orthodox Church (2)
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church (Little Falls, NJ)
St. George Church (Pittsburgh, PA)
St. George Eastern Orthodox Church (Niagara Falls, NY)
St. George Orthodox Church (Bridgeville, PA)
St. George Orthodox Church (Charleston, WV) (2)
St. George Orthodox Church (Niagara Falls, NY)
St. George Orthodox Church (Pittsburgh, PA)
St. George Syrian Orthodox Church (Patterson, NJ)
St. George's Antiochian Orthodox Catholic Church (Charleston, WV)
St. Ignatius Church
St. John the Evangelist Orthodox Church
St. Joseph Syrian Catholic Church
St. Joseph's Church (6)
St. Joseph's Maronite Community
St. Jude Hospital Foundation
St. Marks In-The- Bouwerie
St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church (4)
St. Mary's Church (2)
St. Mary's Holy Name Society
St. Mary's School
St. Michael's Orthodox Church
St. Michael's Orthodox Church (Geneva, NY)
St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral (Brooklyn, New York)
St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral (Brooklyn, NY)
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (Beckley, WV)
St. Nicholas Syrian Orthodox Cathedral (Brooklyn, NY)
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Yonkers, NY)
Stabile & Co., Inc
State of Connecticut Department of Health
State of Florida (3)
State of Florida Office of Vital Statistics
State of Maine (2)
State of New Hampshire Department of Public Instruction
State of New Hampshire, Department of Public Instruction
State of North Carolina (3)
Statesville Record & Landmark
Stella Case Wagner
Stephen Duggan (2)
Stephen H. Gratto
Steven Cartwright
Stone Studio (2)
Stratford Publishing Company (2)
Strickland Funeral Home (5)
Studio AVO (2)
Studio Byblos
Studio O. Caballero (2)
Studios, W. 23rd St., New York, NY
Sulaiman Ali alMushekeh
Sulaiman alMushekeh
Sulaiman Daoud
Sulaiman Samaan alTebshrani (3)
Sumayeh Attiyeh (4)
Supreme Court Justice James T. Cross
Supreme Court of the State of New York
Susan Crutchfield
Suzanne Jones
Suzy Brett
Sylva Herald and Ruralite
Sylvester Rabadan
Syria-Mount Lebanon League of Liberation
Syrian Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese (82)
Syrian Greek Orthodox Church of Montreal
Syrian Greek Orthodox Church, Lawrence, Massachusetts
Syrian Young Men’s Association
Syrian-American Press (65)
Syrian-Lebanese Star
T. Shasha (2)
T.H.K. Rezmie
T.J. Coleman
T.S. Drower
Tallahassee Democrat
Talmadge S. Baggett
Talmage S. Baggett
Tarbox School (6)
Tattersfield & Co.
Tawfeeq Mefarraj
Taylor Universities Theodora Bothwell (2)
Teddy Greene (2)
Tenbot School
Teresa Cerutti-Simmons
Thayer & Jackson Stationary Co.
The A.N. Marquis Company
The Alber Bureau
The Altamont Enterprise (Albany, NY) (2)
The American Asiatic Association (4)
The American Magazine (2)
The Andrews Journal (31)
The Arab Cause in America
The Arabian Horse Club of America (4)
The Aryan Path (4)
The Asheville Citizen-Times
The Atlanta Constitution (5)
The Author's Club (2)
The Authors Club (2)
The Bladen Journal (4)
The Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A
The Bookman Magazine (6)
The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences (2)
The Buddhist Society of America
The Carthage Republican Tribune (3)
The Catholic News (2)
The Catholic Standard and Times
The Challenge
The Charlotte Observer
The Cherokee and Clay County Progress
The Cherokee Scout (3)
The Christian Science Monitor
The Christian Science Publishing Society
The Citizen Advance
The Columbia Gazette
The Commercial Museum (2)
The Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America
The Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY) (2)
The Dance Magazine
The Department of Information and Press Relations of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
The Egyptian Novelty Importing Co.
The Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn
The Evening Dispatch
The Explorers Club
The Fabre Line
The Fayetteville Observer
The Florida Times-Union (2)
The Globe
The Goddess Dancing
The Graham Star (2)
The Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
The Guardian Trust Company
The Herald-Times
The Illustrated American
The Lake City Reporter (8)
The League for Political Education
The Lexington Herald
The Literary Digest
The Literary Review of the New York Evening Post (3)
The Los Angeles Times
The Menorah Association
The Monroe Journal
The Morning Star (64)
The Moslem World
The Nation (2)
The National Arts Club (2)
The National Federation of College Women
The National League of American Penwomen
The New Lebanese American Journal
The New Orient Society of Chicago
The New Republic
The New York Evening Post (2)
The New York Times (7)
The News & Observer
The News and Observer
The News Dispatch (73)
The Oriental Institute
The Orlando Sentinel
The Palm Beach Post
The People's Forum of Montreal (2)
The Philosophy Club
The Phoenician
The Platinachrome Co.
The Poets' Guild (5)
The Public Library of Des Moines (3)
The Raleigh Times (4)
The Randolph Bulletin
The Record (Troy, NY)
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Royal Institute of International Affairs (10)
The Sampson Independent
The Saykali
The Semi-Weekly Messenger
The Society of Friends (3)
The Spotlight Publishing Company (2)
The Standard Press
The State
The State of New Hampshire
The Stratford Company Publishers (3)
The Syrian Ark (2)
The Syrian Educational Society of New York City
The Syrian Protestant College (3)
The Syrian Society of the City of New York (2)
The Syrian World (7)
The Tablet (2)
The Tampa Times (3)
The Tampa Tribune (9)
The Times (5)
The Town Hall
The Town Hall Inc. (2)
The Tuscaloosa News
The Twin City Daily Sentinel
The Valdosta Daily Times (6)
The Valdosta Times (2)
The Villanovan (2)
The Weekly Star
The Wilmington Messenger (35)
The World (2)
The World's Work Magazine
Theo. Steinhardt
Theodora Seoff
Theodore Roosevelt (2)
Theodoria Seaver
Theresa Ellis (3)
Theresa Vincent
Theron J. Damon (90)
Thesterling Studios (3)
Thomas A.H. Hay (2)
Thomas B.K. Ringe
Thomas Griffin
Thomas Oussani (2)
Thomas R. Underwood
Times Union (Albany, NY) (3)
Tom Steep
Tommy Abdalla
Tomorrow Magazine (3)
Tony Frem
Toufic Ellis (9)
Toufic Khalil (2)
Toufic Musa
Town Clerk's Office, Everett, Massachusetts
Town of Methuen (2)
Town of Methuen, Town Clerk's Office
Townsend Scudder
Travel Magazine (11)
Triangle Lebanese Association
Tripoli Boys' School (2)
Troy Kinney (23)
Troy W. Lewis (4)
Trustees of St. Patrick's Cathedral
Tumeh Family
Twilight Club
U. S. Maronite Eparchies
U.S. Consulate General France
U.S. Consulate General, Beirut (132)
U.S. Department of State (4)
U.S. Public Service Reserve
UNC Chapel Hill Alumni Review
Union Pacific System
United States Army (2)
United States Department of Commerce and Labor (31)
United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Immigration Service (4)
United States Department of Justice
United States Department of Labor (6)
United States Department of Labor, Immigration Service (22)
United States Department of State (2)
United States District Court
United States Government (3)
United States Government Department of Justice
United States Marine Corps
United States Navy
United States of America
United States of America Department of State (4)
United States of America Department of the Army
United States of America War Office
United States Representative Francis Culkin
United States Selective Service
United Syrian Charitable Society
United Way of North Carolina
University of Chicago (7)
University of Pittsburgh
Unknown (153)
US Department of Justice (2)
V. Carranza
V. Gabriel
Valerie Jones
Van Dongen (3)
Van Wyck Brooks
Vassar College
Vera Khayrallah (3)
Vernon F. Essi
Vernon Malone
Vicariat Apostolique de la Guinee Francaise, Mission de Kouroussa (2)
Vice Consul of the United States of America
Victor (2)
Victor Shemil
Victor T. Curtin
Village of Carthage, New York
Villanova University (2)
Villanova University News Bulletin (3)
Vincent S. Waters (2)
Vincent Starrett
Violet Marcks
Violette de Sibour
Virginia Falenwider
W. Colston Leigh (8)
W. Colston Leigh Inc. (19)
W. Colston Leigh, Inc. (27)
W. E. Hall
W. Hobeien
W. Morphy & Son
W. R. Brown
W. S. Nelson
W. Way
W. Wright, LL.D
W.B. Pratt
W.C. Dennis (2)
W.E. Aughinbaugh
W.E. Dunn
W.F. Douthirt (2)
W.G. Nash
W.H. de B. Nelson
W.H. Smith & Son
W.J. Milburn (6)
W.L. Binkley
W.M.H. Wise & Co. Publishers
W.P. Earle, Jr.
W.R. Brown (3)
W.S. Bittner
Wadea Kassab
Wadia Ibrahim Hitti (3)
Wahib Faris Hobeiche
Wajeeh Hanna Kemaide (2)
Wake County Board of Commissioners
Wallace Murray (3)
Walter B. Hayward
Walter John Silva
Wanil Gaudin
War Resisters International
War Resisters' International (4)
Warren B. Koehler (2)
Warren D. Roberts
Warren G. Richardson and Henry N. Andre
Warren H. Miller
Warren Miller (2)
Warren Street School
Warren V. Bleezarde
Washington Mills (10)
Wasmund & Sorice Funeral Chapels, Inc.
We the People of North Carolina Magazine
Welherbee School
Wendell Cleland (4)
Wendy Liberatore
Western Union (5)
Wetherbee School
Wheaton College
White Studio (4)
Who's Who Among American Authors (3)
Wilfrid M. Evans (2)
Wilgus S. Broffitt
Will S. Monroe (6)
Will Simmons (3)
William B. Hess
William Birbari
William Collins Sons & Co., Limited Glasgow & London
William D. Carter
William Deary
William Ernest Hocking (2)
William G. Diekmann Portraits (2)
William Gates
William Griffith (2)
William J. Hawkey
William J. Hutchins
William J.G. Chivers (5)
William L. Woolard
William Oberhardt (3)
William Stevens
Willoughby's (4)
Wilmington Morning Star
Winfred Porter Truesdell (2)
Wirth and Hamid
Wm. Adams Brown Jr.
WNYC (2)
Wood Worsted Mill
World Golf Hall of Fame
Wray Studio (3)
Yahia Mansour Gabreil
Yak Oussani
Yakoub Sarrouf (2)
Yallah Dance Ensemble (7)
Yaqub Rouphail, editor
Yonkers Statesman
Young Men of Deir El-Kamar and Suburbs
Yousef Aramouni
Yousef Barakat
Yousef Hobeiche (133)
Yousef Mansour El-Khoury
Yousef Semaan
Yousef Sukarye
Youssef (2)
Youssef alTurki
Youssef Ghussoub
Youssuf alAchi (2)
Youssuf Asaad Butrus (2)
Youssuf Baroud
Youssuf Yassin
Yusuf J.K. Paulis Kushta
Yusuf Malek (2)
Yusuf Meherally
Zaha Khala
Zakia Sukarye (4)
Zara Symons
Zaytoun & Associates, Inc.
Zebulon Record
Zelda Stewart Charters
ابن اخ الاب طوبيا
Établissements Hippiques Du Levant (Horse Racing establishment of the Levany)
آل سيقلي
أنيس بقلة
ابراهيم مجاهد الجزائري
اتحاد الطوابع
احمد الصافي
احمد زكي (2)
احمد شاكر الكرمي
ادما عطاالله
اديب (5)
اسعد الخوري طوبيا عطاالله (8)
اسعد درويش زكريا (9)
اسعد طوبيا (2)
اسعد طوبيا عطاالله (3)
اسعد عطاالله (2)
اغناطيوس كراتشكوفسكي (5)
الاب الياس باسيل (2)
الاب طوبيا العيسى (6)
الاب طوبيا عطاالله
الاب بطرس عازار
الاب طوبيا عطاالله (9)
الاب عمانوئيل البعبداني
الاب فرانسيس
الاب فرانسيس ابو (؟)
الاب يوحنا الملاح
الاسم غير واضح (5)
البرت الريحاني
البريد والبرق (2)
البنك الوطني للتجارة والصناعة (افريقيا) (6)
الجمهورية اللبنانية، ادارة البريد
الخوري الياس باسيل (5)
الخوري بطرس الزغبي
الخوري بولس (2)
الدكتور انيس (الاسم الاخيرغير واضح)
الشيخ عبد القادر المغربي
المطران بطرس الزغبي
الملك عبد العزيز بن سعود (41)
الياس ر. عطاالله
الياس ناصيف (2)
الياس نخله (2)
اميل نصار
امين الريحاني (100)
امين الغريب
انا درويش العاموري
انطون نجم
انطون واولاده
انيس الخوري المقدسي
انيس جريج
ايليا ابي ماضي
ايميل نصار
بديعة مكرزل
بشارة عبد الله الخوري (2)
بشر فارس (2)
توفيق خليل (2)
توفيق مفرج
جرجس القسوس
جرجي دمتري سرسق (4)
جرجي نقولا خطار الشويري
جمعية الاتحاد والاخاء الفلسطينية
جميل معلوف
جو سيقلي (14)
جورج (11)
جورج حبيقة
جورج سيقلي (104)
جورج سيقلي (على الأرجح) (2)
جورج شعيا
جورج و سلوى سيقلي
جورح سيقلي (2)
جوزيف شايا
جوزيف عطاالله
جيلبير سيقلي (3)
حافظ وهبه
حسين عويني
حسين فوزي
حنا عبد الله نصر
حنا عطاالله
حنا غيث
خليل الخوري
خليل يوسف نادر رعد (26)
داود (الاسم الاخير غير مذكور)
داود (الاسم الاخير غير واضح)
داود بركات
دكتور توفيق قريشي (2)
دكران بصمجي
راؤل سليمان عطا الله
راغب النشاشيبي
رزق الله
روجيه سيقلي (2)
ساسين اسعد بطرس رعد
سعود بن عبد العزيز
سعيد جمرة
سعيد داوود فياض (2)
سلوى سيقلي
سليم سركيس (2)
سليم يوسف نادر رعد (3)
سليمان المشيكح
سليمان علي المشيكح
شبل (الاسم الاخير غير مذكور)
شبل (الاسم الاخير غير واضح)
شبل دموس (2)
شبل نصيف
شبلي خلاط
شبلي شميل
شخص غير مفهوم اسمه
شديد سميا
شعيا (2)
شكرالله شعيا (4)
شكيب ارسلان
عباس بجاني
عبد الحاج
عبد الحميد الزهراوي
عبد المحسن السعدون
عبدالله رزق
عزيز اسعد بطرس رعد (17)
عزيز وشفيقة اسعد بطرس رعد
عمر فروخ
عيسى اسكندر المعلوف
عيسى الخوري
غادة جورج نصار
غونزالو فرنانديز
غير معروف
غير موجود (35)
غير واضح (7)
فؤاد (الاسم الاخير غير واضح)
فؤاد الخطيب
فؤاد حمزة (2)
فكتور شميل
فليكس فارس (6)
فوزان السابق (2)
فيصل بن عبد العزيز بن سعود
فيلكس فارس (5)
فيليب سعد
قسطنطين (الاسم الاخير غير مذكور)
قسطنطين زريق
كاتب غير محدد الاسم
كتاب غير محدّد
كروجر الخوري طوبيا (46)
كروجر عطاالله (3)
كونت رتشارد مولينون
لا يوجد (5)
ليلى محمود
ماري تريز (3)
متري كرم (5)
مجهول (6)
مجهول (ابن خال جورج سيقلي)
مجهول الاسم
محكمة ولاية نورث كارولينا
محمد (الاسم الاخير غير واضح)
محمد الحسين النجفي (3)
محمد امين الحسيني (9)
محمد حسين النجفي
محمد سعيد السيد منصور
محمد سعيد الفته
محمد عبد الوهاب
محمد كرد علي (2)
محمد/حمد السليمان الحمدان
مرسم سرور
مسعود مسابر
مصطفى خان (4)
مصلحة البوسطة والتلغراف (3)
مطرانية قبرص المارونية
مطيعة ديب
منصور الياس البيطار
مي زيادة (3)
ميخائيل (الاسم الاخير غير مذكور)
ميشال (74)
ميشال حايك
ميشال ربيز
ميشال سعاده
ميشال سيقلي (213)
نديم عطاالله (24)
نصار عطاالله
نصري فارس
نعوم لبكي
نعوم مكرزل
نوري السعيد
هاشم الاتاسي
ياسمين لوزي ياسمين
يحيى منصور غبريل
يعقوب صروف (2)
يوسف (الاسم الاخير غير واضح)
يوسف [الاسم الاخير غير واضح] (2)
يوسف اسعد بطرس (2)
يوسف التركي
يوسف موسى
يوسف ياسين