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  • Tags: Poetry-Arabic

رسالة من محمد الحسين النجفي الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 10 (الشهر غير معلوم) 1913. يوضح النجفي اعجابه بالريحاني ويرسل تحياته اليه، ويوجه نقدا لمجريات الحياة في الشرق ويقارنها - على ما يبدو - بالاحوال في الغرب والاخص اميركا - حيث كان الريحاني وقتها اغلب…

رسالة من شبل (الاسم الاخير غير واضح) الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ غير مذكور. يخبر شبل الريحاني انه في صدد عمل ادبي شعري موضوعه "تاريخ الحرية من عهد الثورة الانكليزية [...] الى الامبراطورية الفرنسوية الثانية ثم الى سقوطها] وهي باللغة العربية.

Date: undated
This manuscript is an unpublished collection of poems and songs. It is split into two parts, the first featuring Arabic songs and poems and the second a collection of poems by Ameen Rihani titled "Waves of My Life." Posthumously published in 2009 as…

Date: 1910
مجموعة من القصائدة الشعرية، النثرية في طابعها، التي نظمها الريحاني. تحتوي على: "النجوى" التي نظمها في الرياض عام 1923، و"الزعيم الشهيد" التي نظمها في الفريكة عام 1940 - وهي اخر ما كتبه الريحاني في الشعر.
وتذكر المصادر الخارجية ان مجموعة قصائد "هتاف…

A copy of a photograph of Yousef Hobeiche and the Lebanese gendarmerie, dated 16 November 1928. Inscription reads, 'During the siege of [unclear].' Poem on the back means, 'You will miss me like the night misses the moon.'

Date: circa 1920s
A photocopy of a letter from Zakia Sukarye (Zakia Haddad) to Angele Ellis circa 1920s.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Toufic Ellis, dated 24 February 1927.

A letter from Nadima Nimr to Angele Ellis, dated 25 August 1927.

A poem from unknown author to Angele Ellis, dated 23 September 1983.

A photocopy of a poem written by Angele Ellis published in New York newspaper (title unknown) Vol. 93 No. 3, dated 15 March 1991.

Date: undated
A poem from an unknown author to Angele Ellis, undated.

Date: circa 1920s
A letter written by one of Angele Ellis' students in Lebanon to Angele Ellis circa 1920s.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: circa 1967
A poem written by Karim Maroon titled, 'Between Poverty and Wealth,' circa 1967.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: undated
A poem written by Angele Ellis, undated.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

An envelope and letter addressed from Angele Ellis to Kail Ellis, dated 1986 April 17. Arabic section: Arabic verse/poem.

Date: undated
An Arabic poem, titled: 'The Girl and the World', subject: the importance of good manners and education for girls/women.

Date: undated
An article written in Arabic. Title 'I want to return to Lebanon'.

Date: undated
A copy of Angele's article 'I want to return to Lebanon'.

Date: undated
Poem on Saint Charbel Makhlouf by Chibli Mallat. From page 2: newspaper name 'alA'mal', dated May 5. Articles on page 2 are not complete/readable.

Date: undated
Short poem on Lebanon, title 'My Nation/Country', by Youssuf (Joseph) alA'chi, Fort Pierce, Florida

Date: undated
Poem by Kazahiya alAqiqi, on the love of Jesus Christ.

Date: undated
Short poem on Lebanon, title 'My Nation/Country', by Youssuf (Joseph) alA'chi, Fort Pierce, Florida

A poem expressing friendship from one friend to another, missing their travel and social associations.

Date: 1936 March
Poem to Shukri Baddour expressing friendship sentiments from Naseeb Salibi and asking Baddour to reply. alResala Magazine, vol. 9, no. 151.

Date: undated
A poem by Sulaiman Samaan alTebshrani to Shukri Baddour on the occasion of electing him as the President of the Lebanese Syrian American Association in North Carolina in the alResala Magazine, vol 10, no. 159.

Date: 1936 March
A poem by Shukri Baddour about giving positions to those who seek them. Names mentioned in the poem include Sheikh Nassour, Elias alFaran (or the baker), alBadawee, Mohammad Sultan, Shadeed, Tarraf Haimour, Samaan the blackbird of the valley…

Date: 1936 April
A poem by Shukri Baddour as a reply to Naseeb Salibi's earlier friendship poem.

Date: undated
A poem by Nema alHaj, dedicated to his deceased friend Shukri Baddour.

Date: 1936 April
A poem by Shukri Baddour as a reply to poet Asaad Harb alShemali in in alResala Magazine, vol. 9, no. 153.

Date: undated
A poem by Shukri Baddour to encourage donations to help those affected in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. Explains the history and unity of these countries. In alResala Magazine, vol. 11, no. 191 & 192, p.23.

Date: undated
A poem by Shukri Baddour, "Mourning the blackbird of the valley" (sharour alwadi) Asaad Khalil Samaan. In alResala Magazine, vol. 11, no. 191 & 192, p.24.

Date: undated
A poem by Sulaiman Samaan alTebshrani mourning Shukri Baddour.

Date: undated
Poem by Sulaiman Tebshrani mourning Shukri Baddour, from Columbia, NC.

Date: undated
Poem by Shukri Baddour, "Mourning blackbird of the valley," (shahrour alwadi) Asaad Khalil Samaan, from Goldsboro, NC.

Date: 1971
Draft of a poem written by Kahlil Gibran
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