Browse Items (13033 total)

Date: 1986
A news article, "Class of '26 celebrates 60th reunion," detailing the events of the 60th Reunion of the Port Arthur High School Class of 1926.

Date: 1986 May 31
A program book from the Port Arthur High School's 60th Anniversary Class Reunion on May 31, 1986.

A news article from Port Arthur, Texas for the upcoming reunion of the Port Arthur High School Class of 1926 dated February 17, 1976.

Date: 1976 May 20
A news article, "Supper Table Talk," by John Ayres regarding the upcoming reunion of the Port Arthur High School Class of 1926 dated May 20, 1976.

Date: 1976 May 20
A news article discussing the 50th Reunion of the Port Arthur High School Class of 1926 published on May 20, 1976.

Date: 1976 May 1
A letter to classmates from Leonard Walton, Chairman of the Reunion, in regards to the upcoming 50th Reunion dated May 1, 1976.

Date: 1976 May 22
A program book from the Port Arthur High School's 50th Year Class Reunion at Driftwood Motor Hotel on May 22, 1976.

Date: 1970s
Color photograph of Margaret and Isabel Oussani standing inside the O'Keefe home.


Date: 1970s
A photograph of Isabel Oussani sitting inside and wearing a fur jacket.


Date: 1979 Apr 15
Photograph of Beatrice Joseph showing off the growth of a pumpkin or squash in her home garden in New Jersey.

Date: undated
Photograph of a person at the Joseph family home in Poughkeepsie.


Five poems clipped from the "Today's N.C. Poem" column and two articles all by Nell Mettrey Kahdy


Date: 1971
Poem, "The Blind Poet," handwritten by Kahlil Gibran.

The Blind Poet - Kahlil
I have been blinded by light,
the very sun that gave -- -- day
Gave me my night - how dream
And yet I am a --
While you -- sit Where
life gave you birth
-- dearest…

Date: circa 1967
A poem written by Karim Maroon titled, 'Between Poverty and Wealth,' circa 1967.

A photocopy of a poem written by Angele Ellis published in New York newspaper (title unknown) Vol. 93 No. 3, dated 15 March 1991.

Date: 1936 March
Poem to Shukri Baddour expressing friendship sentiments from Naseeb Salibi and asking Baddour to reply. alResala Magazine, vol. 9, no. 151.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: undated
A poem, undated with an unknown author and unknown recipient.

Date: undated
A poem from an unknown author to Angele Ellis, undated.

A poem from unknown author to Angele Ellis, dated 23 September 1983.

Date: 1920 Dec
A poem written by Michel Saykali where he expresses his feelings of love and his nostalgia for gatherings.

Date: undated
A poem from Michael Monahan to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Date: 1923 May
A poem from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, undated. Possibly sent with surrounding letters from May 24 or May 25, 1923.

Date: 1923 May 25
A poem sent by Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated May 25, 1923.

A poem from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated December 21, 1923.

Date: undated
A poem written by Angele Ellis, undated.

Date: 1936 March
A poem by Shukri Baddour about giving positions to those who seek them. Names mentioned in the poem include Sheikh Nassour, Elias alFaran (or the baker), alBadawee, Mohammad Sultan, Shadeed, Tarraf Haimour, Samaan the blackbird of the valley…

Date: undated
Poem by Kazahiya alAqiqi, on the love of Jesus Christ.

Date: undated
Poem on Saint Charbel Makhlouf by Chibli Mallat. From page 2: newspaper name 'alA'mal', dated May 5. Articles on page 2 are not complete/readable.

Date: undated
An Arabic poem, titled: 'The Girl and the World', subject: the importance of good manners and education for girls/women.

Date: undated
An English poem, titled 'Psalms of New York'. Names mentioned Mario Cuomo.

Date: undated
Short poem on Lebanon, title 'My Nation/Country', by Youssuf (Joseph) alA'chi, Fort Pierce, Florida

Date: undated
Short poem on Lebanon, title 'My Nation/Country', by Youssuf (Joseph) alA'chi, Fort Pierce, Florida

Date: 1899
Blueprint map of land deeded to Joseph Oussani, formerly of W.C. Church, Mary E. Church, and Willard Church, in Pocantico Hills, New York, showing 32 acres, dated 28 April 1899.

Date: 1900
Blueprint map of land of the estate of G.P. Lowrey, deeded to Joseph Oussani, in Pocantico Hills, showing 19 1/2 acres, dated 31 January 1900.

Date: 1900
An Abstract of Title describing premises in Pocantico Hills, sold to Joseph Oussani as part of estate of Grosvenor P. Lowrey, dated 1900.

Date: 1899
Document describing premises in Pocantico Hills, sold to Joseph Oussani, formerly of the old "Collender" farm, and latterly the property of Colonel William C. Church, dated 1899.

Date: 1912
A document referring to Pocantico Hills, dated July 12, 1912

Date: 1912
A deed certifying Joseph and Gladys Oussani's sale of several pieces of land in Pocantico Hills to J. Alva Jenkins for the price of $68,000, signed 18 September 1912.

Date: 1900
A contract between the executors of the will of Grosvenor P. Lowrey and Joseph Oussani, selling the Pocantico Hills properties listed for $6500, signed 7 February 1900.

Date: circa 1990s
The Khayrallah family plays games with a group of people around Christmas. The accompanying caption reads, "all mid-1990s events like Christmas and gatherings. Playing 7 ½ (Lebanese game similar to poker)."

Date: undated
Pamphlet containing a four act play about the symbolism of the Lebanon Cedar Tree. The pamphlet also includes an introduction and a dedication to Eleanor Roosevelt.

Date: circa 1928
A postcard by Pierre Yves Petit (aka Yvon) depicting the Place de la Concorde and the Luxor Obelisk in Paris, France.

Date: 1929 July
A certificate certifying that Joseph Oussani owns ten shares of stock in the Pinecrest Park Corporation.

Date: undated
Dated (not available). prices of construction materials.

A picture of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. Around them are cherubs, saints, and angels. At the bottom of the pictue is Arabic text.

Date: 1993 Sept 8
A portrait of Carolyn Dorroll (left) with three unidentified women posing in front of a spread of Lebanese food, published in The Fayetteville Observer.
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