Browse Items (13033 total)

Date: undated
A photograph of Joseph, Gladys Holmes, and Leonard Oussani standing together.


Date: undated
Photograph of Josephine and Joe Joseph on vacation in the American West. Josephine was Genevieve Norman Joseph's cousin and Joe was Charlie Joseph's brother. They lived in New Jersey. Joe was Genny Joseph's Godfather.

Date: undated
Series of notes and cards related to Josephine Joseph's connection to the Joseph family. Includes a prayer card and obituary.

Date: undated
A birth certificate issued by the State of Connecticut Department of Health certifying that Josephine Mallouf was born March 15, 1914, in Bridgeport, Connecticut. It lists the father's name as Moses Mallouf and mother's name as Sara Mallouf.

Date: 1930 Jan 9
A school record for Josephine Maloof, born May 30, 1916, resident of 468 Hampshire St. The record was created on January 9, 1930. It lists information about Josephine's studies at Lawrence High School and lists her mother as Mrs. Sadie.

Date: 1943 Apr 6
Photograph of Josephine Nador, cousin of Genevieve Norman, standing next to a large tree.

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Date: 1943 Apr 6
Photograph of Josephine Nador, cousin of Genevieve Norman, walking down the front steps of a house.

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Date: 1946 Mar
Photograph of Charlie Joseph's parents, Namy and Julia, taken during Genevieve and Charlie's honeymoon in Wendell, North Carolina.

Date: undated
An article titled 'An American Goes Home To Lebanon' written by Fred J. Maroon. The article is based on a first hand account of Joseph R. Judge's experience in Lebanon.

Date: 1935
A journal from Angele Ellis, dated 1935. Journal is from Eagle Ellay Store, 88 Public Square, Watertown, New York.

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A daily journal written by Angele Ellis, dated February 1982-1983.

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Date: undated
Juanita Moses, wife of Noidre Moses Sr., with grandson Ty son of Janet.


Date: undated
This manuscript is a novelette by Ameen Rihani titled Juhan. It is described in the manuscript as, "A Turkish woman has her way, during the World War, with a German officer." The novel is important for the attention it pays to the changing social and… PDF.pdf

Date: 1956
Photograph of Julia Asmar Joseph, Charlie's mother, at the dinner table.

A birth certificate, issued by the City of Cleveland, certifying February 24, 1906, as the date of birth for Julia Courey. It lists her place of birth as Bolivar Road, Cleveland, her mother's name as Sophia Nahas, and her father's name as Abraham…

Date: undated
Photograph of a woman on a light background. On back is the name Julia Joseph.


Date: 1922 June 9
A school record created on June 9, 1922, for Julia Maloof, born June 8, 1908, residence at 40 Valley St. The record lists information about Julia's studies at the Oliver School and lists her father as William Maloof.

A Program Book for the Just Friends Club's 50th Anniversary Celebration in Victoria, Texas on September 17, 1983.

A name badge for Kamal E. Antone of Houston, Texas for the 15th Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs on August 24-29, 1960.

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Date: 1941 July 6
A name badge for K.E. Antone of Houston Texas from the Sixth Annual Syrian-Lebanon Day in Texas of the Amesyr Fraternity in San Antonio, Texas on July 6, 1941.

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An application for a certificate of employment for Kafry Karim filled out on March 10, 1912. It lists his residence as 377 Elm St., place of birth as Syria, date of birth as January 29, 1893, and potential employer as Arlington Mills. It is stamped…

Date: 1912 Nov 21
An immigration record issued by the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Immigration Service at Ellis Island on November 21, 1912. This immigration record was sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and…

Date: 1947
Five members of the Kahdy family sitting amongst the ruins of Baalbek, Lebanon. Caption on the back reads, "Kahdys in Baalbek."

Nell Kahdy sits in a blue armchair while her son George Kahdy Jr., father in law Asaf Kahdy, and husband George Kahdy stand behind her in matching black and white tuxedos. Next to the three men stand her two daughters, Georgette and Barbara Kahdy.…

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Date: 1980s
The Kahdy family poses on the stairs in casual clothing. The back of the photo lists the name of each family member in the photo and that this was located in Raleigh during the late 1980s.

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Date: 1980s-1990s
The Kahdy family poses outside on wooden benches. On the right side of the photo, it appears that a picture of George Kahdy has been cut out and placed next to Nell Kahdy.

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Date: circa 1990s
The Kahdy family poses outside of a beige and white house. They are all smiling and are dressed in casual clothing.

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Date: 1947
A portrait of the Kahdy family in which everyone is wearing formal clothing. The back of the photo lists each family member in the photo, how they are related, and that these specific relatives are located in Rayak, Lebanon.

Date: 1956 July
The Kahdy family including Adma, George, Barbara, Georgette, George Jr. and three of George's sisters pose as they stand outside together. They are all wearing semi-formal clothing as they smile.

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An invitation to the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation ground breaking on October 17, 1989.

The Meeting Minutes of the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation Board Meeting in Orlando, Florida on July 9, 2009.

Date: undated
A Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation pamphlet.

A pamphlet and RSVP card for the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation Reception dated September 30, 1989.

A pamphlet for the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation Reception dated August 5, 1989.

A Kahlil Gibran Memorial Foundation Financial Report dated January 20, 2012. A Kahlil Gibran Memorial Foundation Meeting Agenda dated January 28, 2012 in Austin, Texas.

Date: 1957
A newspaper article titled 'Kail C. Ellis Graduated From Lemoyne College'. The article dated 1957 is about Kail's graduation with Political Science, BS.

A newspaper article titled 'Kail Ellis Studies Languages in Parents' Native Lebanon' written by HVK. The article dated 12 December 1957 is about Kail's connection to Lebanon.

Date: 1967
A newspaper article titled 'Kail Ellis to Be Ordained Sunday in Washington, D.C.'. The article is about Kail being ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic Order of St. Augustine.

Date: 1958
A newspaper article published in The Republican Tribune titled ''Kail Ellis Witnesses Rebellion In Parents' Native Lebanon'. The article is about Kails recounting of the strife in Lebanon, and his impressions of Lebanon. The article is likely from…

Date: 1994 July 13
Kail Ellis' commencement speech for the Beirut University College (now Lebanese American University) class of 1994, dated 13 July 1994

Kail Ellis' ordination card for the Order of Saint Augustine, dated 9 September 1967

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Date: 1987
Kail Ellis's fall semester convocation address to Villanova University students, dated 1987.

Date: 1909 Oct 15
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri (name not clear) on October 15, 1909. It confirms the baptism of Kaisar, son of Melhem Saba, on July 2, 1893, by Father Khouri Gregor Rius. Godfather was Faris (last name not clear) and godmother was Saud…

Date: 1909 March 3
An Arabic letter by Father Khouri Youssef Mansour on March 3, 1909. It confirms the birthdate of two children of Nassif al Bistany: Kaisar on June 29, 1892, and Ogany on August 12, 1893.

Date: 1911 July 20
Handwritten extract from a baptism register. It was copied on July 20, 1911, by the church Notre Dame du Secours [Our Lady of Help] in Sakiet-El-Misk, Lebanon. Records the baptism of Kalil Constantin Aboud on May 5, 1895, the son of Constantin Aboud…

This record, produced in Marseille, France, on August 25, 1910, gives information about Kalil Joseph Assid's immigration in 1910. It provides his age as 17 and birthdate as August 8, 1903. The back of the document gives information about him: he…

Date: 1915 Dec 11
A letter from Rev. Thomas Griffin of Henderson, North Carolina, written on December 11, 1915. It certifies that that Kalile Francis was born on September 27, 1904, in Henderson, North Carolina, and baptized by missionaries from the Sacred Heart…

A letter to Kamal Antone from Ted Nardin dated March 15, 1976. A letter from Kamal Antone to Ted Nardin dated March 22, 1976.

A newspaper article, "Realtor Antone values heritage, local property," published by the Houston Post on Sunday, November 6, 1977.

A letter of thanks from Howard W. Thorne to Kamal Antone dated August 27, 1976.
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