Browse Items (13033 total)

A program outlining the history of the Maronite rite, Rev. George J. Webby's biography, the First Solemn High Mass, the dinner menu, speakers, and the benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Date: 1971
The program for the opening and dedication of the Albert J. Ellis Airport in Jacksonville, NC.

The program from the Al-Hoda Centennial. The Centennial, celebrated in the Museum of the city of NY, marked the 100th year of the publication of Al-Hoda. (Folder 1-3-2-17)
Mokarzel 1-3-2-17 Program_wm.pdf

A program for the 40th anniversary of Kail Ellis' ordination, dated 29 September 2007

A program from a healthcare conference attended by Joseph El-Khouri.

Date: 1983 June 28
A pamphlet outlining the installation ceremony for Murphy Lions Club officers presided by Joseph El-Khouri 30).

Date: 1970 May 3
Program for the dedication of the Cherokee County Golf Course, constructed by the Cherokee County Rural Development Authority, of which Joseph El-Khouri was chairman.

Date: 1998 January
A booklet detailing the Lebanon-Syria congressional trip.

Date: 2001 May 5
Program booklet for the third annual Lebanese Festival sponsored by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

Date: 2000 May 6
Program booklet for the second annual Lebanese Festival sponsored by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

Date: 1999 May 1
Program booklet for the first annual Lebanese Festival sponsored by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

Date: 2003 May 12
Program booklet for the fifth annual Lebanese Festival sponsored by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

A program book for the Syrian Heritage Dedication in Oakdale, Louisiana at Sacred Heart Catholic Church on November 25, 1994.

A Program Book for the 50th Anniversary of the Lebanese-Syrian American Society in Los Angeles, California at the Ambassador Hotel on June 21-23, 1963.

Date: 2008
A short profile of Cecilia Saleh, conducted with the translation help of her son, Sam. The brief interview touches on Cecilia's immigration to the United States and her role in the family business.

A newspaper article titled 'Private Schools Bussing To Be in 1980-81 Budget'. The article dated 16 April 1980 is about protests against denying additional transportation to students. 'C.R.T.' is listed as the source of the article, which may refer to…

A photograph postcard of Principal B. M. Sheppard of Dobbs Ferry High School in his office seated at a desk. Labeled, "Property of Thomas Oussani," and dated 19 April 1915.

Date: 1968
A press pass in Helen Mokarzel's name for the Nationalities Press Meeting in San Francisco. It is possible that "Helen Mokarzel" refers to Yemna Helen Mokarzel, as this card was found in a folder of her papers. (Folder 2-1-3-21)
Mokarzel 2-1-3-21a Nixon_wm.jpg

Date: 2008, 2012
President Volunteer Service Award Letters signed by President Barack Obama and addressed to Wael Abou-Chakra. The letters congratulate him on earning the bronze level of the Presidential Service Award, thank him for his dedicated volunteer service,…

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Date: 2010
The President Volunteer Service Award Certificate, awarded to Wael Abou-Chakra by President Barack Obama in 2010.

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Date: 2008
The President Volunteer Service Award Certificate, awarded to Wael Abou-Chakra by President Barack Obama in 2008.

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Date: Unknown
A photo of Mokarzel relations in Freike "picking the figs before cooking." On the left is Im Nasri Lebbos and second from the right is Yousuf. Folder (2-1-8-1)
Mokarzel 2-1-8-1 Picking_wm.tif

Date: 1937 June 5
An audio recording of the prelude to Ameen Rihani's speech at the Town Hall in New York City on June 5, 1937. Rihani's speech on Zionism was preceded by brief introductory speeches given by others who were present. The speeches were broadcasted on…

Date: undated
A prayer card with prayers and short info on Saint Maron.

Date: circa 1920s
A prayer card from Mother Marie Rose to Angele Ellis with a print of St. Therese circa 1920s.

A prayer card for the death of Toufic Ellis, dated 12 April 1992

Date: 2006
A Saint Augustine prayer card, dated 2006

Date: 1986 May
A prayer card for Francis J. Rodriguez

Date: undated
Black lace prayer cap with accompanying business card.

Date: undated
Black lace prayer cap.

A letter sent from Carthage, New York describing Yousef Hobeiche [spelled Yousef Nema Ghalib Hobeich] as receiving Power of Attorney circa 1950s.

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Date: circa 1959
Newspaper article featuring the attendees of the Poughkeepsie High School Class of 1944 15 year reunion.

A postcard from Badia Assaf to Angele, dated October 6, 1971. Sending greetings from family to Angele's for Christmas and New Year. Ending card: 'excuse me for this card, I don't have another one'.

Date: 1944
Postcard featuring a photograph of a soldier in military uniform standing in front of a backdrop. Note in Arabic.

A postcard addressed to Toufic Ellis and Angele Ellis from Italy, dated 12 March 1986

Date: undated
Postcard printed with a photograph of a woman.


Date: 1960 Sep 2
Postcard featuring a photograph of Westminster Abbey with Big Ben and St. Margaret's Church sent to Sam Norman in Poughkeepsie from his niece or nephew.

Date: 1966 Dec 17
Postcard addressed to Genevieve [Norman] Joseph in Poughkeepsie, New York, featuring photograph of the ruins of Anjar in Lebanon.

Date: circa 1909
A postcard with a photo of the Oussani Family in a horse-drawn cart. From left to right are: Joseph Oussani, Isabel Oussani, Gladys Holmes, and Margaret Oussani. Gladys Holmes was the family governess and married Joseph Oussani on 17 April 1911.

Date: undated
Postcard featuring an image of Nelson House in Poughkeepsie, where Genevieve Norman and Charlie Joseph's wedding reception was help on March 2nd, 1946.

Date: undated
Postcard featuring a photograph of a landscape, including buildings and the sea, in Lebanon.

A postcard from Yousef Hobeiche to Toufic Ellis, dated 17 April 1966.

A postcard from Yousef Hobeiche to Alfred Ellis, dated 17 April 1966.

A postcard written in Arabic from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis for the occasion of Christmas and New Year 1973-1974.

A postcard from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis with a picture of Beirut, dated 17 April 1966.

Date: undated
A postcard from Yousef Hobeiche and Nahde Hobeiche to Ellis family, undated.

Date: undated
A letter from Will S. Monroe to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Date: undated
A postcard addressed to Angele Ellis from an unknown sender

A stamped postcard from unknown to Angele Ellis, dated 29 August 1966. Postcard depicts the Federal Reserve Bank Building in Buffalo, New York.

Date: undated
A postcard to Angele from Eugénie Cherbal, undated. Sending greetings on Holy Week.
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