Albert J. Ellis Airport brochure with image of Ellis on the front and Piedmont Airlines plane on the back. This item may go with item below (Program for the Dedication of the Albert J. Ellis Airport).
A portrait of George Jr., Kristin, Kathryn, and Martha Kahdy together. They are all smiling and wearing semi-formal clothing. Caption on the back reads, "Our church photo."
Adma Sawaya Kahdy George Kahdy's mother, smiling in a formal dress. Caption on the back reads, "Adma Sawaya (Kahdy) from Bteghrine taken either in NC or Ga. George N. Kahdy's mother."
Young Barbara Kahdy smiles and leans on her right arm as she poses on top of a table. She is wearing a dark outfit with flowers. Caption on the back reads, "Barbara 1949 or 50."
Young George Jr. and Georgette Kahdy sit next to each other on a table. They are both smiling and wearing matching outfits. Caption on the back reads, "Georgette and George Kahdy 1949."
Young Barbara Kahdy and Jay Salem sitting together as they smile. Barbara Kahdy is wearing a white and pink dress while Jay Salem is wearing a blue and white outfit. Caption on the back reads, "1946-7. Barbara Kahdy and Jay Salem cousin."
Young Barbara Kahdy sitting on a short stool in a light pink dress with a blue belt. In her left hand, she holds a small toy as she smiles. Caption on the back reads, "Barbara Kahdy 1946."
Baby Barbara Kahdy looks away as she sits propped up on a textured blanket. She is wearing a light dress with a pair of crocheted socks. Caption on the back reads, "Barbara Kahdy, 1945."
A portrait of Nell Kahdy in which she's wearing a dress with a lace collar. On the side of the photo it reads, "With all my love, Nell." The back of the photo reads, "1943 or 1944 engagement. Nellie Mettrey Kahdy."
A portrait of Afifi and Khalil Frieje who are both dressed formally. Caption on the front at the bottom reads, "My aunt Afifi, Dad's sister. Uncle Khalil, Peter's brother." There is also an arrow in the left corner that labels these individuals as a…
Portrait of Mikail Mitri-Wehbie Saliba (Nell Mettrey Kahdy's maternal grandfather). Caption on the back reads, "Nell Mettrey Kahdy's mom's dad. Mikail Mitri-Wehbie Saliba. Early 1900s."