Browse Items (13033 total)

A marriage certificate for Nasri Fuleihan and Isabel Oussani, married 12 September 1925, in New York by Rev. Thomas O'Keefe and with witnesses George Fuleihan and Margaret Oussani, dated 1968.

A letter from Asia Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated September 17, 1925.

A radiogram from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali dated 1925 September 18.

A letter from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated September 22, 1925.

A letter from the American Consular Service to Ameen Rihani, dated September 23, 1925.

A letter from Beecher Stowe of Doubleday Page Company to Ameen Rihani, dated September 25, 1925.

A letter from H.G. Wells to Ameen Rihani, dated September 26, 1925.

A letter from G.K. Nariman to Ameen Rihani, dated September 26, 1925.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Joseph Rihani, dated September 28, 1925.

Date: 1925-1927
A photo of Lila Mokarzel, standing outside in a white dress, taken during her stay in Beirut, Lebanon. (Folder 2-1-7-13)
Mokarzel 2-1-7-13 Lila_wm.jpg

Date: 1925-1927
A photo of Yemna (right) and Lila Mokarzel on a donkey in Lebanon. The caption on the back states "Beautiful shot!." (Folder 2-1-8-7)
Mokarzel 2-1-8-7 Donkey_wm.tif

Date: 1925-1927
A photo of Mokarzels in Beirut, Lebanon. In front is Helen Mokarzel and behind her are Mary (left) and Lila Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-8-8)
Mokarzel 2-1-8-8 Beirut_wm.tif

Date: 1925-1932
A bound volume containing emergency passport lists spanning from 1925 to 1932.

Date: 1925-1932
A bound volume containing emergency passport lists spanning from 1925 to 1932.

Date: 1926
A photo of Mokarzels in Beirut, Lebanon. Left to right: Lila Mokarzel, Helen Kalil Mokarzel, and Mary Mokarzel. The caption on the back of the photo states "Nadi Al-Sayaddy." (Folder 2-1-1-14)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-14 Helen Lila Mary_WM.jpg

Date: 1926
A photo of the Mokarzel ladies with other unidentified women in Lebanon. Helen Kalil Mokarzel stands in the back row, second from the left. (Folder 2-1-1-16)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-16 Women Portrait_WM.jpg

Date: 1926
A photograph of young men in uniform at Fort Bragg.

Date: 1926
A photograph of Yousef Hobeiche in Lebanese Gendarmerie, note reads 'My dear brother, I kiss your cheeks with longing. You are well and at peace. I hurried to you yesterday and today too to make sure we are reassured. Let me always know you are well.…

Date: 1926
A photograph of Yousef Hobeiche in Lebanese Gendarmerie, note reads 'My loving brother status in memory and God’s blessing on me opened the star my loving country' dated 1926

Date: 1926
A photograph of Angele and Toufic Ellis, dated 1926. They are standing outside of a gate, Angele is holding flowers. This copy was printed in the 1950s.

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Date: 1926
A photograph of Angele and Toufic Ellis, dated 1926. They are standing outside of a gate, Angele is holding flowers. This copy was printed in the 1950s.

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Date: 1926
A copy of a photograph of Yousef Hobeiche in the Lebanese gendarmerie taken in Khiam Marjeyoun, dated 1926. Inscription reads, 'My unit during inspection. I had broken my leg some time ago, and I couldn't wear the boots, so I dressed in a suit.'

Date: 1926
A copy of a portrait of Angele Ellis in Marseille, France, dated 1926.

Date: 1926
A copy of a photograph of Angele Ellis, Zakia Sukarye (Zakia Haddad), and other unknown women ast the Marseille Zoo in Marseille, France, dated 1926. Angele and Zakia stayed in Marseille while their immigration papers were prepared and processed…

Date: 1926
A copy of a photograph of the White Star Line S.S. Homeric on its voyage from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, France. Angele took this ship from Cherbourg, France when she emigrated from Lebanon in 1926.

Date: 1926
The Handbook for the League of Americanized Syrians printed at the American Press in Beirut, Lebanon in 1926.

Date: 1926
نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى قسطنطين نبي، 1926 (التاريخ كاملا غير مذكور). فيه يذكر الريحاني لقسطنطين انه استلم رسالة من ماري (شقيقة قسطنطين) وانه، الريحاني، سيجتمع بهم قريبا لرؤيتهم والتحدث معهم في امر ما، وارسل تحياته واطيب تمنياته الى اسرة…

Date: 1926
نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت، التاريخ غير مذكور 1926. فيها يرد الريحاني على رسالة سابقة من البرت يهنئه فيها بعيد ميلاده. يشكر امين البرت على تذكره عيد ميلاده الخمسين ويعقب "لا احد في هذا البيت او في بيروت يذكره. وهل يهم احد يا ترى ان…

Date: 1926 Apr 19
Letter from an unknown person to Georges Saykali. He sends greetings. He tells him about the hard life in Colombia. He also sends him 100 English pounds.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Khediveal Mail S.S. Co., dated April 2, 1926.

A letter from Theron J. Damon to Ameen Rihani, dated April 2, 1926.

A letter from Asia Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated April 5, 1926.

A letter from an unknown person to Father Attallah stating that the issue in question was solved (no further explanation what the issue was). Dated April 6, 1926

A letter from Theron J. Damon to Ameen Rihani, dated April 7, 1926.

A letter from Fedora Kurban to Ameen Rihani, dated April 15, 1926.

A letter from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated April 18, 1926.

A citizenship record sent from Beirut, Lebanon to Angele Ellis while she awaited her paperwork to go through the American Consul in Marseille, France. This record was obtained by Mariam Hobeiche on behalf of Angele Ellis.

A letter from S.R. Jordan to Ameen Rihani, dated April 27, 1926.

A letter from D. Clemens to Ameen Rihani, dated April 29, 1926.

Date: 1926 August
Volume 1 Issue 02 of The Syrian World, published August 1926. This issue begins with an article by Dr. Bayard Dodge discussing the importance of education for uniting Syria, building up its economy, and reforming the living conditions. The next two…

A letter from Martin Sprengling to Ameen Rihani, dated August 5, 1926.

A receipt from a jewelry store in Marseille, France for the purchase of a gold bracelet.

A copy of a photograph of Angele Ellis and a travel companion on the R.M.S. (incorrectly spelled MHS) Homeric, which departed from Cherbourg, France on 15 September 1926 and arrived in New York on 22 September 1926.

An affidavit written by Warren G. Richardson and Henry N. Andre on behalf of Toufic Ellis (spelled Toufee Tarrad Ellis) for the American Consul in Marseille, France. This was written and sent to Marseilles, France in order to help Angele Ellis…

A marriage certificate and birth certificate from Mayor Khouri Elias al Zammar of Keserwan District for Angele Ellis.

A letter from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated August 24, 1926.

A photocopy of a letter from Zakia Sukarye (Zakia Haddad) to Angele Ellis, dated 27 August 1926.

Date: 1926 Dec 13
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Vol . 1 Issue 06 of The Syrian World published December 1926. The issue is focused around Christmas. It opens with an article discussing "The Spirit of Christmas" and is followed by a poem by Kahlil Gibran. Overall, this issue focuses on what…

A letter from Troy Kinney to Ameen Rihani, dated December 2, 1926.
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