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Date: circa 1928
A photo of Phyllis Creighton and a man who is probably her father (Roy Lamont Creighton) in front of the Pagoda at Kew Gardens, London. The film was accidentally pre-exposed to the photo of the Pagoda when the photo of the children (visible at the…

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Phyllis Creighton in Kew Gardens, London. Her brother Linn Creighton stands in the background.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Phyllis, Roger, and Linn Creighton posing in Richmond Park, London.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Linn Creighton feeding a deer in Richmond Park, London.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Linn, Roger, and Phyllis Creighton in Alexandria, Egypt.

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Date: circa 1928
A photo of Linn, Roger, and Phyllis Creighton in Alexandria, Egypt.

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Date: 1929
A holiday greeting card from the Dodge family, probably the family of Bayard Dodge, who was the president of the American University of Beirut at the time.

Date: circa 1928
A holiday greeting card from the Leavitt family who was associated with the American University of Beirut.

Date: circa 1928
A candid photo of a woman looking outside from a covered porch.


Date: 1927
A holiday greeting card from an unidentified family.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a man and oxcart at the intersection of Folgueras and Azcarraga (now Carmen Planas St. and Recto Ave.) in the Binondo district, Manila, Philippines.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Linn Creighton posing in a garden in Jerusalem.

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Date: circa 1928
A photo of an unidentified street in Jerusalem.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a wall and tower in Jerusalem.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of people on the shore of an unidentified body of water.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of people in Jerusalem who seem to be by a street stand.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of an unidentified man among Roman ruins in Baʿalbek.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a fountain among the Roman ruins in Baʿalbek.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Roman ruins in Baʿalbek.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of the Roman ruins at Ba'albek.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of the Roman ruins at Ba'albek.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of two pyramids in Egypt.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of the oval track and athletic fields at American University of Beirut.

Date: undated
Portrait photograph of Mike Wehbie.


George Kahdy sitting in formal clothing with a painted backdrop of a palm tree, water, and mountains.


Date: 1930s
A portrait of George Kahdy's uncle, Dr. Najib Sawaya, in a formal suit and tie. The back of the photo reads, "To George, with all my love."

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Date: undated
A series of photos of the Kahdy family.


Date: 2018 July 18
A series of letters that explain the family timeline. In a separate letter, the author apologizes for not copying it over but she explains that the reason for this is because she does not have a typewriter. Top of the letter dated July 18, 2018.

A handwritten birthday card from Georgette Kahdy to her sister Barbara Estes. It details how much Georgette values Barbara and mentions a future trip they are taking together. Dated December 2013.

Date: 2013 July
Barbara Estes and her Spanish teacher sit together on a wall in Puebla, Mexico. Caption on the back reads, "Barbara and her Spanish teacher in Puebla, Mexico. Trip with Georgette July 2013."

Date: 2013
Barbara Estes and an unknown woman holding onto a pole and smiling.


Date: 2012
Mettrie Lari holds onto her son George Lari as they both smile. While she holds him, he tightly grips the straps to a large bag with his name on it.

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Date: 2012
Mettrie Lari holds onto her son George Lari outside of his school. As she holds him, he holds onto the straps of a large bag.

Date: 2012
A chain of emails that refers to Mettrie Lari's diagnosis of breast cancer and her subsequent double mastectomy. Another chain of emails from three months earlier between Mettrie Lari and her mother Barbara Estes goes into detail about how their…

Date: 2011 June 30
A newspaper clipping of Barbara Estes and her two grandchildren, Nora and Price Colussy-Estes. The bottom of the photo states this was after Barbara played Dr. Florence Ravenel in History Live! Published in The Highlander, June 30, 2011

Date: 2011 June
Barbara Estes standing next to the location of an infamous toll road in Highlands, North Carolina. The article also mentions Barbara Estes's part in the History Live! play by the Highlands Historical Society. June 2011.

Date: 2011
The script for the part of Dr. Florence Ravenel in the play "Walk in the Park."

Date: 2009
A series of scenes with Barbara Estes and Callie Stanley. The top of the first page says, "obtained from Callie when we had lunch in Fayetteville, North Carolina." Dated June 2009. A newspaper article of Callie Stanley's life as she was growing up…


Date: 2008
A letter from Iyali Ruiz and Tran that states how meaningful Barbara Estes is to them and that for Thanksgiving she wanted to recognize how thankful they are for having her in their lives.

Date: 2006 May 09
A handwritten letter from Georgette Kahdy to her sister Barbara Estes in which she thanks her for her help. Dated May 9, 2006.

A handwritten letter from Georgette Kahdy to her sister Barbara Estes in which she compliments Mettrie and John Lari's relationship. She also thanks Barbara for a pillow she sent. Dated April 2, 2006.

A letter from Catherine Keen to Barbara Estes in which she acknowledges the donation given to the National Museum of American History and states that the donation has been added to the existing Naff Arab American Collection. She also thanks her for…


Date: circa 2006
Mettrie's (daughter of Barbara Estes) wedding to John Lari as family members surround the couple. Caption on the back reads, "Barbara Kahdy Estes' daughter, Mettrie's wedding to John Lari, 2006?"

Date: circa 2000s
A handwritten note from young Kristin Kahdy to Barbara and Jim Estes in which she thanks Barbara for taking her on a trip to Atlanta, Georgia.

Date: circa 2000s
A handwritten card from Mettrie Lari to Barbara Estes thanking her for the wonderful time they had together during her visit over the holiday season.

Date: circa 2000s
A card from Mettrie Lari that refers to a trip that her mother Barbara and Jim Estes went on. The outside of the card is a side note from Mettrie Lari wishing Barbara Estes a happy Mother's day.

Date: 2000s
A short thank you letter from Iyali Ruiz to Barbara Estes. It mentions how much Barbara Estes helped out Iyali Ruiz.


A letter from Catherine Keen of the Smithsonian Museum of American History to Barbara Estes in which she apologizes for the amount of time it has taken her to send a photocopy of the Maloof song book that she donated. She also mentions that due to…


Date: 2005 July 20
A handwritten letter from Bill (William S. Elias) to Jim and Barbara complimenting them on the party that was thrown in honor of George and Nell Kahdy.

Date: 2005 July 11
A handwritten card from Mettrie Lari to her mother Barbara Estes in which she mentions spending Barbara's birthday with her in Highlands, North Carolina. She sends early birthday wishes and thanks her for her support. Dated July 11, 2005.
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