Browse Items (13033 total)

Date: 2000 July
A view of ruins and mountains in Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of a view in Lebanon of mountains.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of a Lebanese landscape with a monastery in the distance.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph, taken from across the Thames, of the London Aquarium, County Hall, London, UK.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of the Lebanese coastline from St. George Church in Terbol, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of the view from St. George Church in Terbol, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of the view from St. George Church in Terbol, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of St. George Greek Catholic Church in Terbol, Lebanon, taken from a distance.

A photograph of a merchant selling nuts from his car along with Joanna Yehia, Youssef Ishak, Doumit Ishak, Karmina Ishak, and Sasha Yehya. Taken at the Arz, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Sara Ishak, Rima Ishak, Amira Ishak, Tony Mahfouz, Georgina Ishak, and Karmina Ishak. Taken at Tayta Karime and Jiddo Yaacoub Ishak's home in Terbol, North Lebanon. Caption: "Aunt, Uncle, Cousins, and Daughters, Lebanon."

Date: 2000 July
A photograph taken from a distance of Georgina and Sara Ishak standing with the cedars of Lebanon and waving to the photographer.

Date: 2000 July
Youssef Ishak, Doumit Ishak, and Mohammed Nasser, the President of the Special Olympics of Lebanon, standing in front of a swimming pool in conversation with one another.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Jack, Sara, and Natalie Ishak posing together in the Arz, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Houda and Youssef Ishak standing in front of a cedar tree in Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of members of the Lebanese Special Olympics Team playing the Oud, sitting together beneath a tree in Baalbek. The team traveled to Garner, North Carolina, in 1999 to compete.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Jack and Amira Ishak with two unidentified adults on a boat.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Jean and Georgina Ishak and others getting onto a small boat. Taken in Binesha, North Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph, taken in Terbol, Lebanon, of Amira, Elias, and Georgina Ishak.

Date: 2000 July
Yaacoub Ishak, Doumit's father, standing near a grove of olive trees in his garden in Terbol, Lebanon.


Date: 2000 July
A portrait photograph of Yaacoub Ishak sitting on his balcony in Terbol, Lebanon.


Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Yaacoub and Karime Ishak, Doumit's parents, outdoors in their garden near olive trees in Terbol, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Yaacoub and Karime Ishak, Doumit's parents, outdoors in their garden near olive trees in Terbol, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Yaacoub and Karime Ishak, Doumit's parents, embracing outdoors in their garden near olive trees in Terbol, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Karmina Ishak sitting on the trunk of a tree among the cedars of Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Karmina and Natalie Ishak taken in the Arz, Lebanon.

Joanna Yehia, Karmina Ishak, and Sasha Yehya on a mountain in Lebanon.

Date: undated
An unidentified woman, either an athlete or staff member for the Lebanese Special Olympics team. The team traveled to Garner, NC in 1999 to compete.

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A photograph of Amira Ishak, Karmina Ishak, Jean Ishak, Georgina Ishak, Natalie Ishak, Sara Ishak, and Jack Ishak. Taken at the Arz, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of a member of the Special Olympics Team with Mohammed Nasser and Doumit Ishak. Member of Special Olympics Team, Joanna Yehia, Amira Ishak, Leann Ishak, Georgina Ishak, Sasha Yehya, Karmina Ishak, Youssef Ishak. Taken in Baalbek, July…

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of athletes from a Lebanese Special Olympics Team that traveled to Garner, North Carolina, in 1999 for the Special Olympics World Summer Games. Taken in Baalbek, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Jean Ishak, Sara Ishak, Georgina Ishak, Jack Ishak, Karmina Ishak, Amira Ishak, and Natalie Ishak. Taken at the Arz, Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Amira, Georgina, Karmina, and Sara Ishak outside in Harissa in front of a view of the coastline of Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A portrait of Amira, Georgina, and Sara Ishak among the cedar trees of Lebanon.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Amira Ishak and her uncle, Youssef Ishak.

A photograph of Sasha Yehya, Georgina Ishak, Amira Ishak, Youssef Ishak, Joanna Yehia, and Karmina Ishak. Taken at the Arz (Cedars of Lebanon).

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of Rima (aunt) and Amira (niece) Ishak taken in Jabal Terbol, North Lebanon.

Date: 1935 Apr 1
The second issue of The Syrian Spotlight of the South, a newspaper based in Houston, Texas.Articles in the issue include news from the Middle East as well as information about the activities of Syrians and their clubs across the southern United…

Date: 1935 Feb 18
The first issue of The Syrian Spotlight of the South, a newspaper based in Houston, Texas. Articles in the issue include news from the Middle East as well as information about the activities of Syrians and their clubs across the southern United…

Date: circa 1962
A photograph of David Itani (left) with his younger brothers Moustafa (right) and Zouhair (bottom). The boys are outdoors and Abdul is holding a ball.

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Date: circa 1970s
A photograph of David Itani as a teenager. The photograph is labeled "Itani, brother Moustafa, Uncle Kamel, and friends." It depicts a group of young people standing outdoors in Lebanon.

Date: circa 1956
A photograph of Nadia Itani with three of her children when they were very young. Clockwise from the top the image pictures: Nadia, Abed, Hoda, and Moustafa Itani.

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Date: undated
A photograph of Abdul Itani's father, Khalil, with his older brothers. Khalil is located on the far right of the picture.


Date: circa 1960
Nadia Itani with three of her children. Clockwise from top the individuals are: Nadia, Zouhair, Mirvat, and Nada.

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Date: circa 1960s
A photograph of an adult, labeled "Uncle Ibrahim." Ibrahim Itani is holding his nephew Moustafa Itani. Moustafa is one of Abdul Itani's younger brothers.

Date: 1983
A portrait photograph of Noha and Chuck Nasrallah taken at their 1983 wedding in Lebanon. They are wearing their dress and suit and are posed with flowers.

Date: 1983
A photograph of Noha and Chuck at their wedding in Lebanon in 1983. They are in their wedding dress and suit, standing beneath a stone arch with a view of Lebanon slightly visible in the background.

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Date: 1981
A photograph of Noha and Chuck Nasrallah taken in 1981, as they celebrated their engagement.

Date: circa 2010
A photograph of the four Nasrallah children wearing formal dresses and suits and standing outside on a stone staircase. Pictured are Nader, Sammy, Layal, and Lana Nasrallah.

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Date: 2010
A picture of the Nasrallah family standing together at a public event. A cake is visible in the foreground and unknown young men are visible in the background. The photo includes Chuck, Layal, Lana, Noha, Nader, and Sammy Nasrallah.

Date: 2010
A picture of Noha Nasrallah with her daughters, Layal and Lana. The three women are at an event and are wearing formal gowns.
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