A photograph of Joe Stewart and Lucile Romey. A notation on the back reads "Had copies made of this picture of Joe + Lucile I think it was Xmas 1965 or 1966 not sure He died June 23/1967".
Fannie Johns Moses with two granddaughters, Janet Moses (upper) and Jerri Rae Barnes (lower) on the steps, circa the 1940s. This is a copy of item Moses2019072.
A portrait of Fannie Johns Moses. A stamp on the back says "Copy by Stone's Studio Inc. Pensacola, FL 32503". This item is similar to the item Moses2019005 and Moses2019006.
Portrait of the Moses family circa 1911. Left to right: Bessie Moses, Fannie Johns Moses, Amelia Moses, Ellis Moses. Amelia Moses was born in August of 1911. A yellow note attached says "Standing is Bessie Baby in lap is Amelia." The note was likely…
A photo titled "My Precious three". Notes at the top and bottom indicate "1952" and "Me, Lucile, Icer, Leila" as the people in the photo. A note on the back reads "after 1952?"
Fannie Johns Moses on the porch of her home at 608 N. Alachua St., Lake City, Florida, with infant grandson, Philip Moses and granddaughter Sandra Moses, circa 1950. The back of the photo says Phil + I doing a little dance. That's Grandmamma in the…
Fannie Johns Moses outside of the Moses home at 608 N. Alachua St., Lake City, Florida, with grandson Norman Kim Moses crouched in front of her and a granddaughter standing in the left of the image, circa 1954. The back of the photo says "Kim +…
Fannie Johns Moses outside of the Moses home at 608 N. Alachua St., Lake City, Florida, holding the hand of grandson Norman Kim Moses and two other children are in the background. Photograph circa 1954. The back of the photo says "Grandma Moses +…
Fannie Johns Moses on the porch of her home at 608 N. Alachua St., Lake City, Florida, with infant grandson, Philip Moses Jr. and Sandra Moses, circa 1950. The back of the photo has a notation that is difficult to read.
Members of the Moses family standing outside by a picket fence and a tree at their home on Alachua St., Lake City, Florida. A yellow note attached says "Helen?/ Ellis/ Fannie/ Amelia/ Alachua St." The people in the photo from left to right are: Helen…
Portrait of Ellis Moses in a light shirt and hat. The back of the photo has a stamp reading "Extra prints of this Photo may be obtained at The Dollar Studio Lake City, Florida". This item is similar to Moses2019008, Moses2019022, Moses2019024, and…
Portrait of Ellis Moses in a light shirt and hat. The back of the photo has a stamp reading "Extra prints of this Photo may be obtained at The Dollar Studio Lake City, Florida". This item is similar to Moses2019008, Moses2019021, Moses2019023, and…
An envelope mailed from Emeline Romey Stewart to "Miss Sandy Vinson/ 1819 Northgate St./ Durham, NC/ 27704". The return address is "Stewart/ 2598 Pathway Pl./ Mobile, Al./ 36606" A note reads "Photos/ Enclosed/ Do Not Bend". Stamps on the envelope…
Icer Romey with a dog circa 1967-1968. A detailed note on the back reads, "Icer Romey Our Beloved brother passed away July 27/1995 (not sure of year) Matte Finish Icer Watch out, he is ready to talk to you." In apparently different handwriting below…
A copy of a photograph of the Romey home located at 608 N. Alachua St. in Lake City, Florida. The family moved to this house after relocated back to Lake City from Birmingham, Alabama, where they had moved after the deaths of Nola and Fannie Romey.
Left to right: Lucile, Emeline, and Leila Romey, in the early 1950s in Daytona Beach, Florida. A notation on the back reads, "Early 1950s Not Sure Lucile Emeline + Leila Daytona Beach Fla Joe treated Lucile + Leila to a 5 day trip".
Icer Romey in a white suit on the streets of Birmingham, Alabama circa 1950s. A notation on the back reads, "Icer 1950s? downtown B'ham or early 1960s. You can barely make out his face. My large one is the same way."
Fannie Johns Moses standing by a tree in front of a white picket fence. A notation on the back reads, "Mother (sweet face)/ pretty dress". Another version of this photo is Moses2019039.
Fannie Johns Moses celebrating Norman Kim Moses's birthday. Seated at the table from left to right: Philip Moses Jr., Norman Kim Moses blowing out his birthday candles, and Noidrie Moses Jr. with Fannie Johns Moses at her house on Alachua St. in Lake…
Icer Romey with a dog circa 1967-1968. A detailed note on the back reads, "Our brother Icer Romey/ Born Feb 19-1909/ Died July 24-1995/ Picture taken 1967 or/ 1968/ He Was a sharp dresser/ He always dressed in/ his italian silk suit/ Color not too…
The original structure of Epiphany Catholic Church in Lake City, Florida. An inscription on the back says, "Epiphany Catholic Church Catholic Church Lake City, FL". The handwriting of the first three words appears different than that of the last…
A portrait of Fannie Johns Moses. A stamp on the back says "Copy by Stone's Studio Inc. Pensacola, FL 32503". This item is similar to the item Moses2019005 and Moses2019038.
A portrait of Fannie Johns Moses. A stamp on the back says "When reordering please specify name, address and date of original order. Olan Mills Inc. Chattanooga, Tenn." The word "Mama" is faintly visible. This item is similar to the item Moses2019006…
Members of the Moses family gathered at a restaurant. From Left to right: Noidrie Moses Sr., Noidrie Sr.'s daughter Janet M. Moses, Noidrie Sr.'s wife Juanita Gilbert Moses, Noidre and Juanita's son Noidrie Moses Jr., Norman Joseph Moses's wife Telka…
A copy of a photograph of the Moses girls. Left to Right: Helen Moses Bishop, Amelia Moses Castsines, Sally Moses Barnes, with Fannie Johns Moses seated in front. A notation on the back of the photo copy says "1948." A yellow note from Sandra Moses…
A copy of a photograph of Nola George Romey, a notation on the back of the photo copy says, "Our Beloved Father Nola George Romey Before 1929". The information, in blue ink, was likely provided by Emeline Romey Stewart.
A copy of a portrait of Fannie Romey notation on the back of the photo copy says, "Our Beloved Mother: Mother Fannie Romey Before 1929". The information, in blue ink, was likely provided by Emeline Romey Stewart.
A photograph of a group of women and children from the Ishak family sitting outdoors in Lebanon. Pictured are Joanna Yehia, Jana Mitri, Georgina Ishak, Sasha Yehya, Amira Ishak, and Karmina Ishak. Women in black tank top and blue shirt are…