Portrait of Mrs. B. Shea, the mother of Margaret Shea Oussani, who married Joseph Oussani. The back of the photo says, "This Photo is made with my Patent Process, taken and finished in 24 hours, weather making no difference. Cranons Pastels &…
A photograph of the Shea family likely including Margaret Shea (who married Joseph Oussani), her three sisters, and her mother, circa 1880s. The back side says, "Mrs. Shea 206 East 44th St. H. F. Ziegler's Continental Photograph Gallery 794 Third…
Wedding portrait of Joseph Oussani and Margaret Shea, who were married on May 23rd 1896, in New York City. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway COR, 12th Street, N.Y." The back side of the photograph reads, "The frame ordered 12x16 send to…
Wedding portrait of Joseph Oussani and Margaret Shea, who were married on May 23rd 1896, in New York City. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway COR, 12th Street, N.Y."
Wedding portrait of Peter Oussani and Regina Bahlawan. Arabic along the bottom translates to "A memory of love, from Butros Oussani and his wife Regina Bahlawan to brother Yacoub, November 30, 1899." The photo was taken by F.G. Donatosian.
Wedding portrait of Peter Oussani and Regina Bahlawan. Arabic along the bottom translates to "A memory of love, from Butros Oussani and his wife Regina Bahlawan to brother Yacoub, November 30, 1899." The photo was taken by F.G. Donatosian.
Members of the Oussani and Shea families seated outdoors with tea. The back says, "from left, Joanna or Elizabeth Shea, Catherine Oussani, ?Man, Mrs. Shea, (Front Row) Margaret Oussani, Joseph Oussani, dog, Mrs. Balawan?, Regina Oussani, Peter…
A photocopy of a photograph of a large family. Labeled as "from left to right: Top Row: Nasri, Najla, George, Bottom Row: Anis, Michael (Mickey) on Yasmine's Lap, Louisa, Selma, Milhelm, and Miropi. Taken in 1902."
A professional portrait of Isabel Oussani. The back of the photo is labeled, "Edsall Studio Wm. G. Diekmann Prop. Portraits 246 & 248 West 125th Street, New York." The picture was likely taken in 1906 or 1907.
A professional portrait of Isabel (left) and Margaret (right) Oussani seated on a bench. The photograph is labeled, "Edsall Studio 248 West 125th Street, New York." The back of the photo is labeled, "Wm. G. Diekmann Prop. Portraits 246 & 248 West…
A professional portrait of Margaret Oussani standing in a gate. The photograph is labeled, "Edsall Studio 248 West 125th Street, New York." The picture was likely taken in 1906 or 1907.