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  • Collection: Kahdy and Wehbie Family Papers

Date: 1944
George Kahdy stands on the wing of his plane has he holds onto the back window pane. He is wearing his pilot uniform with goggles and gloves. The back of the photo reads, "1945. George Kahdy. Named plane for Nell Mettrey."

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Date: 1947
George Kahdy stands with his right leg on a chair. Caption on the back reads, "Dad in costume on boat." This was on his trip back from Lebanon, 1947.

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Date: 1947
George Kahdy sitting on top on the largest cut stone in the world. Caption on the back reads, "Largest cut stone on earth. Dad (George Kahdy) saw in 1947. Barbara Kahdy Estes saw in 2010 on trip to Lebanon on way to Baalbek."

Date: 1943
George Kahdy wearing goggles and gear as he sits with his hand on the front window of the plane with "Nell" painted on the side.

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Date: 1944
George Kahdy stands in his uniform as he balances on the wing of his plane which has "Nell" painted on the side. Caption on the back reads, "George Kahdy 1944."

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Date: 1947
George Kahdy stands on top of a statue of a lion that is a part of the ruins in Baalbek, Lebanon. Caption on the back reads, "George in Baalbek, Lebanon. 1947."

Date: 1940s
George Kahdy smiles as he stands outside in a casual outfit.

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George Kahdy smiling outside in his Army uniform and holds his cap in his right hand. Caption on the back reads, "At Craig Field, Alabama. Dec. 1943."

Date: 1944
George Kahdy balances on the wing and holds onto the back window of a plane named "Nell."

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Date: 1944
George Kahdy balances on the wing and holds onto the back window of a plane named "Nell." Caption on the back reads, "George Kahdy named his plane for Nell Mettrey (his wife). Egdin field AFB, Fla."

Date: 1940s
George Kahdy and four other men pose together at Gunter Field, Alabama. Two of the men crouch down as the other three stand behind them. Caption on the back reads, "Walker, Bentsen, Leopold, Hallman at Gunter field one day before leaving for…

Date: 1947
Three of George Kahdy's cousins standing on top of a low brick wall with the rest of the city in the background. Caption on the back reads, "Kahdy cousins. Rayak, Lebanon '47."

Date: 1939
George Kahdy dressed in a suit and tie. Caption on the back reads, "George 1939. Graduate Lanier High School."

Date: 1940s
George Kahdy's portrait in a formal suit and a striped tie.

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Date: 1945
George, Adma, Virginia, and Nell Kahdy stand outside of a house together. George Kahdy is dressed in his Army uniform while his mother, Nell, and Virginia are dressed formally. "1945. Dothan, Ala. George, mom, Virginia, Nell."

George and Nell Kahdy stand side by side as they hold their young daughter, Barbara. They are all dressed in formal clothing in Arlington, Virginia. Caption on the back reads, "George and Nell with Barbara 1945."

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Date: circa 1950s
Georgette Wehbie and Nell Kahdy sitting side by side on a couch. Caption on the back reads, "Georgette Wehbie. Nell Kahdy in Mary Wehbie's (her mother) home at 425 N. Bloodworth St. Raleigh. Mid 50s."


Date: 1956 July
Asaf Kahdy stands with his arms around his granddaughters Barbara and Georgette. George Jr. stands next to his grandmother Adma Kahdy who is holding a small bouquet of flowers. Caption on the back reads, "Georgette, dad, mom, Barbara, Georgette. Just…

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Date: 1950s
Georgette, Barbara, and George Jr. Kahdy stand side by side in the snow. They are all dressed in winter jackets, rain boots, gloves, and hats. Caption on the back reads, "Georgette, Barbara, George 50s."

Date: 1951
Barbara Kahdy stands in between her twin siblings Georgette and George Kahdy. Georgette and George Jr. are wearing matching sweaters while Barbara is wearing a dress with a cardigan.

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Georgette, George, and Barbara Kahdy sit on bicycles with their neighbor Ann Bulbaloe outside of a nearby brick house. Caption on the back reads, "Kahdy kids with neighbor. Raleigh 308 Pace St."


Georgette, George Jr., and Barbara Kahdy stand with their neighbor Ann Bulbaloe outside of a nearby house. Caption on the back reads, "308 Pace Street with Ann Bulbaloe- neighbor. Georgette, Ann, George, Barbara."

Date: 1985 July 10
A handwritten card from George Kahdy to his daughter Barbara Estes. In this card, he sends his congratulations after Barbara sent news that her and Jim Estes were to marry. He talks about the weather and the event that Nell Kahdy is putting together…

Date: 1999 July 14
A handwritten card from George Jr., Martha, Kathryn, and Kristin Kahdy wishing Barbara Estes a happy birthday. It seems to have originally been accompanied with a gift. The card also mentions that their mother, Nell Kahdy, seems to be doing better…

Date: 2005 July 11
A handwritten card from Mettrie Lari to her mother Barbara Estes in which she mentions spending Barbara's birthday with her in Highlands, North Carolina. She sends early birthday wishes and thanks her for her support. Dated July 11, 2005.

Date: 2002 July 16
A handwritten card from Nell Kahdy to her daughter Barbara Estes in which she thanks her for the gifts she sends. She also reminisces about how thankful she is to have had such wonderful children. At the bottom there are two notes. One is from George…

Date: 1986 June 30
A handwritten card from Nell Kahdy to her daughter Barbara Estes and Barbara's husband Jim. She talks about her time in France and the variety of people that she meets while there.

Date: circa 2000s
A handwritten card from Mettrie Lari to Barbara Estes thanking her for the wonderful time they had together during her visit over the holiday season.

Date: 2005 July 20
A handwritten letter from Bill (William S. Elias) to Jim and Barbara complimenting them on the party that was thrown in honor of George and Nell Kahdy.

A handwritten letter from Georgette Kahdy to her sister Barbara Estes in which she compliments Mettrie and John Lari's relationship. She also thanks Barbara for a pillow she sent. Dated April 2, 2006.

Date: 2006 May 09
A handwritten letter from Georgette Kahdy to her sister Barbara Estes in which she thanks her for her help. Dated May 9, 2006.

Date: circa 2000s
A handwritten note from young Kristin Kahdy to Barbara and Jim Estes in which she thanks Barbara for taking her on a trip to Atlanta, Georgia.

Date: 2010s
An exterior photograph of the home of Mary and Mikal Mitri Wehbie Saliba in Bteghrine, Lebanon

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Date: 1970s
Jay Salem, Dr. Bill Elias, Chris Wehbie, and George Kahdy link arms as they dance. The back of the photo states that this was taken while they were at the beach and doing the dabke. The back of the photo also notes where each individual currently…


Date: 1956 June
Joe Salem, Pete Agan, George Kahdy, and Charlie Fadel standing next to each other outside in heavy coats smoking cigars. Caption on the back reads, "Joe Salem, Pete Agan (Nell's uncle), George Kahdy, Charlie Fadel. Kahdy Home, 308 Pace St. Raleigh."

Date: 1947
Five members of the Kahdy family sitting amongst the ruins of Baalbek, Lebanon. Caption on the back reads, "Kahdys in Baalbek."

Nell Kahdy sits in a blue armchair while her son George Kahdy Jr., father in law Asaf Kahdy, and husband George Kahdy stand behind her in matching black and white tuxedos. Next to the three men stand her two daughters, Georgette and Barbara Kahdy.…

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Date: 1980s
The Kahdy family poses on the stairs in casual clothing. The back of the photo lists the name of each family member in the photo and that this was located in Raleigh during the late 1980s.

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Date: 1980s-1990s
The Kahdy family poses outside on wooden benches. On the right side of the photo, it appears that a picture of George Kahdy has been cut out and placed next to Nell Kahdy.

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Date: circa 1990s
The Kahdy family poses outside of a beige and white house. They are all smiling and are dressed in casual clothing.

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Date: 1947
A portrait of the Kahdy family in which everyone is wearing formal clothing. The back of the photo lists each family member in the photo, how they are related, and that these specific relatives are located in Rayak, Lebanon.

Date: 1956 July
The Kahdy family including Adma, George, Barbara, Georgette, George Jr. and three of George's sisters pose as they stand outside together. They are all wearing semi-formal clothing as they smile.

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Date: 1990s
Kristin and Kathryn Kahdy posing together in matching pink and orange outfits.

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Date: 1900s
Kushwee Kahdy, Asaf Kahdy, and other unknown relatives in formal attire. The back of the photo says, "L to R, Papa's mother Kushwee Kahdy, Papa - Assif Geo. Kahdy, other relatives." Underneath the relative description there is a note with an arrow…

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Lebanon-Syrian American Association Woman's Club Fourth Anniversary Flier, February 11, 1940. Nell Mettrey is listed as performing "Songs in Arabic."

Date: 2001 July 20
A letter from Anne Tyler to Nell Kahdy in which she is overjoyed to have heard from Nell. She reflects on her education from Needham Broughton and says she thinks it provided a better education than current schools. Dated July 20, 2001.

A letter from Catherine Keen to Barbara Estes in which she acknowledges the donation given to the National Museum of American History and states that the donation has been added to the existing Naff Arab American Collection. She also thanks her for…


A letter from Catherine Keen of the Smithsonian Museum of American History to Barbara Estes in which she apologizes for the amount of time it has taken her to send a photocopy of the Maloof song book that she donated. She also mentions that due to…


Date: 2015
Letter from Cyril Taylor of the American Institute of Foreign Study to George Kahdy. The letter addresses Nell's passing and the possibility of creating the Nell Mettrey Kahdy Scholarship for Linguist Scholars.

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Date: undated
A letter from Nell Kahdy to her daughter Barbara Kahdy in which she tells her she has found a Mother's Day letter from Barbara from the year 1946. Nell Kahdy attaches this letter to her own.
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