Browse Items (13033 total)

Date: 1920
A baptismal record, issued by St. Anthony's Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts, confirming Lillian Gabriel's date of birth as April 10, 1920, and date of baptism as October 30, 1920. It lists Lillian's father's name, William Gabriel, and mother's…

Date: 1913 Oct 25
A letter in Arabic written by Father Khouri Youssed Hatem on October 25, 1913. It confirms the birthdate of Genvieve, the daughter of Dahir Abi Faisal, on March 15, 1898, and her baptism on April 25, 1898, by Father Khouri Youssef Hatem. Her…

Date: 1909 May 3
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Mousa Abi Haidar on May 3, 1909. It confirms the birthdate of George Assaad Jirjis Freige on June 29, 1893. In addition to his name and birthdate, written on the bottom is "Card [are?] 9-8-09 Page 247."

Date: 1913 March 1
A handwritten letter in Arabic. Confirms the birthdate of Said Francis Tabit on November 21, 1894. Written by (name not clear) on March 1, 1913.

Date: 1913 March 1
A handwritten letter from Rev. Simon [Ltibe?] on March 1, 1913. It certifies Said Francis's birthdate as November 21, 1894, in Alremidie, Mount Lebanon.

Date: 1913 May 22
An application for employment certificate for Michael (Makoul) Fleihan created on May 22, 1913. It lists his residence as 329 Oak St., and birthdate as January 12, 1897. It also lists his potential employer as Pacific Mills and is signed by the…

An immigration record issued by the United States Department of Labor, Immigration Service. This record was produced at Ellis Island on April 24, 1913, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting…

Date: 1909 May 3
A letter handwritten by Rev. Moses Otto Hider in Baskinta, Lebanon May 3, 1909. It certifies that George Fireige, son of Assad Fireige, was born in 1893 and baptized on August 15, 1893.

Date: 1913 Nov 11
A birth record certifying Sam Fical's date of birth as December 25, 1894. It also lists his place of birth as Syria, father's name as Sam Fical, and mother's name as Mary Fical. Attested to Justice of the Peace James Digman, by George Fical in New…

Date: 1913 Aug 18
An Arabic letter handwritten by Fr. Basile Nahas on August 18, 1913. Confirms the birthdate of Sultana [Sultain], the wife of Elias Youssef, as November 2, 1893.

Date: 1916 June
A baptismal record, issued by St. Anthony's Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts, confirming William (Welhem) Joseph Abe Ganem Farris's date of birth as March 29, 1916, and his date of baptism as June 4, 1916. It lists his father's name, Joseph Abe…

Date: 1930 Sept 4
A school record for William Farris, created on September 4, 1930. It indicates that he was born March 29, 1916, listing William's residence as 592 Andover St., his father's name as Joseph Farris, and other information about his studies at Welherbee…

Date: 1914 Dec 18
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Nematallah al-Hasibany on December 18, 1914. It confirms the birthdate of Naeem Faris on January 1, 1899. The letterhead is from St. Joseph's Maronite Church in Ayn Zibdy, Syria.

Date: 1911 June 29
A handwritten letter from Rev. Moses Abihider, pastor of the Syrian Greek Orthodox Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts, on June 29, 1911. It certifies that Abraham Faris Abihider's (AbiH-ider) birthplace was Baskinta, Lebanon, and his date of baptism…

An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Youssef on March 27, 1909. Confirm the birthdate of Wada Youssed Farah on July 14, 1893, and baptism on August 9, 1893.

Date: 1913 Nov 15
An immigration record for Faride Fahajoun issued on November 15, 1913, and stamped by the Georges Bousquet in Marseille, France. It is a pink tag from the S.S. Germania of the Fabre Line.

Date: 1913 Oct 2
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Hannah Bekfaya on October 2, 1913. It confirms the birthdate of Fareeda Ameen Mahiouf on November 16, 1895, age (18).

Date: 1909 Sept 9
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on September 9, 1909, sent to the Superintendent of Schools of Lawrence, MA, and signed by Commissioner William Williams. It states that Nassif Fadellah arrived in the United States on July 17,…

Date: 1910 July 15
A handwritten letter in English and Arabic, certifying George Fadel's birthdate as July 15, 1895, and his date of baptism as September 3, 1895. It lists his father as Nicola Fadel and godfather as Youssef Shaheen. Written by Father Khouri Michael on…

Date: 1913 Oct 21
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on October 21, 1913, sent to Yousseff Elias of 356 Elm St., Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies Youssef Elias's arrival in the United States on October 12,…

Date: 1912 Sept 3
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Khouri Fransis Basile on September 3, 1912. It confirms the baptism of Salima Michael Elias on March 15, 1896.

Date: 1913 May 5
An application for employment certificate for Daieb Elias, listing his residence as 392 Elm St., his place of birth as Syria, and his date of birth as July, 1896. It lists his potential employer as Washington Mills. It was attached to the back of his…

Date: 1913 May 9
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on May 9, 1913, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner P.A. Baker. States that Daieb Elias arrived in the United States on March…

Date: 1912 Nov 19
An application for employment certificate for Chickery Ead, created on November 19, 1912. It lists his residence as Elm St., his birthplace as Syria, and his birthdate as 1894. It lists his potential employer as Arlington Mills. It was attached to…

Date: 1913 Nov 20
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on November 20, 1913, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies Chickery (Shikri) Ead's arrival in the…

Date: 1912 Sept 3
An application for employment certificate for Nasib Dow, created on September 3, 1912. It lists his residence as 22 Pine St. and date of birth as August 1, 1893. It identifies the mill with which he plans to work, Arlington Mills. It was attached to…

Date: 1912
An immigration record for Nasib Dow created in 1912. On the front is a document issued upon his passage on an Austro-Americana line sailing from Argentina. Another name is listed along with Dow's, though it is illegible.

Date: 1909 Aug 25
An Arabic letter handwritten by by Father Khouri Rafael (last name not clear) on August 25, 1909. It confirms the baptism of Youssef, son of Saleem Shalhoub, on August 10, 1893, and age (16). Written in pencil at the bottom is "Card 10-8-09 Page 266…

Date: 1918 Nov 16
A record, issued by the City Clerk's Office of Dover, New Hampshire, on November 16, 1918, certifying Najib Dowaliby's birthdate as November 12, 1904. It lists his father's name as Ameen Dowaliby.

Date: 1918 Nov 13
A school record for James Dowaliby created on November 13, 1918. It states that he was born November 12, 1904. The record lists his residence as 53 White St., his parent as Ameen Dowaliby, and school as Tarbox School, and confirms his last grade…

Date: 1918 Nov 13
A promise of employment card for James Dowaliby, issued on November 13, 1918. It confirms his employment at Washington Mills. It lists his employment as Bobbin Setter. On the back is a physician's certificate of health, signed by a physician…

Date: circa 1918
An application for employment certificate for James Dowaliby, requesting for him to work at the Washington Mill. It lists his residence as 53 White St., place of birth as Dover, NH, and present age as 14 years.

Date: circa 1923
An application for an employment certificate for Fred Dowaliby, requesting for him to work at Arlington Mills. It lists his residence as 315 Chestnut St., place of birth as Dover, New Hampshire, and present age as 15 years and 10 months.

Date: 1923 Feb 27
A record, handwritten by Francis Hogan on February 27, 1923, confirming the Continuation School's grant of permission for Fred Dowaliby to go to work.

Date: 1923 Feb 27
A certificate of baptism for Fred Dowaliby, produced by the Saint Charles Church of Dover, New Hampshire, on February 27, 1923. It confirms his birthdate as March 3, 1907, and date of baptism as May 2, 1907. It lists his father's name as Elias…

Date: undated
A record certifying Alfred Dowaliby's birthdate as September 24, 1914. It lists his place of birth, 53 White St., Lawrence, Massachusetts. It also includes his father's name, Ameen Dowaliby, mother's name, Julia Abdabor Dowaliby, and their respective…

Date: 1912 Oct 12
An Ottoman passport for Elias Dighar [Daguer] in Arabic and French issued on October 12, 1912. It states his age, 18, and his birthdate, December 25, 1895, written in pencil. His father is listed as Abrahim Daguer and his destination is given as New…

Date: 1911 Nov 3
A letter written by Priest Youseff Semaan on November 3, 1911, certifying Regina Dawood's baptism on October 30, 1896.

Date: 1916 June 13
A typed letter certifying Rosie Darowish's birthdate as August 10, 1895, in Boro, Shanandoah, Pennsylvania. It lists the name of her father, D. E. Darowish, and his residence, 134 E. Coal St., Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. It bears a seal and was signed…

A letter, written by J. W. Cooper of Shenandoah Public Schools, on April 18, 1916, certifying that Alice Darowish was a member of the 6th grade when she left Shenandoah.

A typed letter certifying Alice Darowish's birthdate as April 12, 1900, and birthplace as Boro, Shanandoah, Pennsylvania. It lists the name of her father, D. E. Darowish, and his residence, 134 E. Coal St., Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. It bears a seal…

A birth certificate, issued by the City of Cleveland, certifying February 24, 1906, as the date of birth for Julia Courey. It lists her place of birth as Bolivar Road, Cleveland, her mother's name as Sophia Nahas, and her father's name as Abraham…

A letter, written by G. L. Mulhare, headmaster at Lawrence High School, on March 16, 1944, certifying Lewis A. Corey's birthdate as April 28, 1929.

Date: 1922
A school record for Faires Corey, detailing his admission and discharges from school. It shows his discharge in 1922 from his school in Caribou, Maine, at age 18. It also provides information about Faries, including date of birth, March 24, 1904,…

Date: 1923 Jan 26
A temporary employment certificate granted by Lawrence Department of Public Schools, valid for employment of Faries Corey until his passport arrives, confirming his age. It provides Faries's address, 407 Elm Street, and was issued January 26, 1923.…

Date: 1923 Jan 26
A letter, writen by F. N. Martin, General Second Hand of the Carding Department for Everett Mills, on January 26, 1923. It requests a temporary certificate to allow Faries Corey to work until his passport arrives from Caribou, Maine.

Date: 1911
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus on (month not clear) 17, 1911. Confirms the birthdate of Chickery Youssed Naseef Abu Kher on January 15, 1896.

Date: 1910 June 25
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Nematallh Abi Lutfallah on June 25, 1910. It confirms the baptism of Martha Youssef Francis on January 6, 1895, by Father Thomas.

Date: 1913 May 20
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on May 20, 1913, sent to Joseph Sahady at 354 Elm St. in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner P.A. Baker. It certifies that Marian Boutros arrived in the United States on December 3,…

Permission of travel document produced on July 23, 1920. The front of the document states that Hind El Hajj Boutros was 14, a resident of Sakiet-El-Mousk, Lebanon, was travelling to the United States, and that her father's name was Najim El Hajj…
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