Browse Items (13033 total)

Date: 1922
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1922 concerning emergency passports and applications. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1922
A school record for Faires Corey, detailing his admission and discharges from school. It shows his discharge in 1922 from his school in Caribou, Maine, at age 18. It also provides information about Faries, including date of birth, March 24, 1904,…

Date: 1922
Asaf Kahdy holds his young son, George Kahdy, on their trip from Lebanon to the United States. Asaf Kahdy leans over slightly as he and his son sleep. An unknown woman sits next to them. The back of the photo reads, "My grandfather Asaf George Kahdy…

Date: 1922
"يروي لنا المؤلف رحلته في بلدان الجزيرة العربية بين عامي 1922 و1924، زار في هذه الرحلة الحجاز واليمن والكويت والبحرين ونجد والعراق، يحل ضيفاً على الأمراء والملوك [...] ويصف لنا المدن العربية في ذلك الزمان وطريقة العمران وحياة الناس ووسائل النقل [...]…

Date: 1922
"يروي لنا المؤلف رحلته في بلدان الجزيرة العربية بين عامي 1922 و1924، زار في هذه الرحلة الحجاز واليمن والكويت والبحرين ونجد والعراق، يحل ضيفاً على الأمراء والملوك [...] ويصف لنا المدن العربية في ذلك الزمان وطريقة العمران وحياة الناس ووسائل النقل [...]…

Date: 1922
A sketch of "Misfer-Caliban our Cook" and "Ju'aithen, our Good Scout"

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Date: 1922
A sketch of "Misfer-Caliban our Cook"

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Date: 1922
A sketch of "Hamad the Prodigal Black" and "Fares the Scribe of Hazlul"

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Date: 1922
A sketch of "Khalaf, our Guide In His Informal Mood" and "Hamoud the Bedouin Boy"

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Date: 1922
A sketch of "Hazlul our Chief"

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Date: 1922
A sketch of "Arab Figures"

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Date: 1922
A photograph of Ameen Rihani and King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia with another man standing together , taken in Riyadh in 1922.

Date: 1922
A photograph of Ameen Rihani and King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia standing together outdoors, taken in Al Uquayr 1922.

Date: 1922
A photograph of Ameen Rihani standing inside a room, wearing a fez. Taken in Cairo, Egypt in 1922.


Date: 1922
A photograph of Ameen Rihani standing inside a room, wearing a fez. Taken in Cairo, Egypt in 1922.


Date: 1922
A photograph of Ameen Rihani. Taken in New York in 1922.


Date: 1922
A letter from Ayoub Kemeid to Ameen Rihani, dated 1922.

Date: 1922
A letter from illegible to Ameen Rihani, dated 1922.

Date: 1922
An undated note from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated 1922. The letter appears to be a schedule of publications.

Date: 1922
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Bertha Case, 1922.

A postcard from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated April 9, 1922.

A letter from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated April 12, 1922.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

A letter from Theron J. Damon to Ameen Rihani, dated April 17, 1922.

A letter from Theron J. Damon to Ameen Rihani, dated April 20, 1922.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He describes how in their homeland the people are being attacked by the people who are supposed to defend them. He also expresses his happiness about the good news of his sisters in school. He also tells his…

A letter from Theron J. Damon to Ameen Rihani, dated April 26, 1922.

Date: 1922 Aug
A typed document created in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and signed by the notary public in August, 1922. It contains the testimony of Sarah Sofeir of 384 Elm St. that her daughter, Deebey Sofeir, was born on August 17, 1906. It states that Deebey was…

Date: 1922 Aug 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that working in Colombia is better than working in Beirut. Colombia is a very rich country and will be the most important country in South America.

A postcard depicting Dreamland Circus and Side Show on Surf Avenue at Coney Island, NY. The postcard contains writing from Job Walker to F. Brittenboker from August 6, 1922.

A letter from C. Barrett to Ameen Rihani, dated August 10, 1922.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Bertha Case, dated August 14, 1922.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Bertha Case, dated August 14, 1922.

A letter from Najib Kisbany to Ameen Rihani, dated August 16, 1922.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Bertha Case, dated August 20, 1922.

A letter to A.F. Kindersley from the American Consular Service, dated August 21, 1922. The letter addresses introducing and his desire to obtain an interview with Sir George Lloyd while travelling with the New York Times.

A letter from D. Irani to Ameen Rihani, dated August 21, 1922.

A letter from A.F. Kindersley to the Commissioner of Police in Bombay (now Mumbai), dated August 22, 1922. The letter addresses 's proposed travel plans to visit Bahrain and Nejd.

A letter from G.K. Nariman to Ameen Rihani, dated August 22, 1922.

A letter from Theron J. Damon to Ameen Rihani, dated August 22, 1922.

A letter from George Steele Seymour to Ameen Rihani, dated August 27, 1922.

A letter from G.K. Nariman to Ameen Rihani, dated August 30, (no year).

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Bertha Case, dated August 30, 1922.

A letter from G.K Nariman to Ameen Rihani, dated August 31, 1922.

Date: 1922 Dec 16
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his kisses and greetings to him, his mother, sisters, friends, relatives, and neighbours. He tells him that he has sent him money with Mr. Rustum Nassar. He also expresses his happiness that his…

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Bertha Case, dated December 3, 1922.

A letter from Theron J. Damon to Ameen Rihani, dated December 4, 1922.

A letter from Charmion Von Wiegand to Ameen Rihani, dated December 4, 1922.
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