KCLDS Archive Reference Book Collection
Biographical/Historical note
The publications included in this collection are related to the global Lebanese diaspora. Noteworthy authors in the KCLDS Archive Reference Book Collection include Nagib T. Abdou, Antoine F. Khater, Salloum Mokarzel, Mikhail Asad Rustum, Ameen Rihani, Salom Rizk, and more. Publishers include Jaridat al-Ayyam Press and the Syrian-American Press. Also included are self-published biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs of Lebanese Americans.
Scope/Contents Note
The KCLDS Archive Reference Book Collection contains books and publications held by the KCLDS Archive.
The publications include Arabic, English, Spanish, and French titles ranging in publication date from 1895 to the twenty-first century.
Materials in Arabic are fully searchable on the Khayrallah Center's Arabic Newspapers database.
To search the database and index created by the Khayrallah Center from The Syrian Business Directory by Salloum Mokarzel and H.F. Otash, see here.
Table Of Contents
- VI Festival International de Baalbeck [Sixth Ballbeck International Festival] - French
- Abe, Son of Abraham: Stories, Vignettes, Remembrances, Reflections, Thoughts, & Tributes by Abe J. Bassett - English
- The Arcade Memoirs: Selected Poems 1970-1980 by Antoine F. Khater - English, Portuguese
- The Best of South Louisiana Cooking by Bootsie John Landry - English
- The Book of Khalid by Ameen Rihani - English
- Diwan al-Ghareeb fi al-Gharb, ديوان الغريب في الغرب الجزء الثاني [Strangers in the West: The Trip of Mikhail Asad Rustum to America, Part 2 Excerpt from the 3rd Edition] by Mikhail Asad Rustum - Arabic
- Dr. Abdou's Travels in America by Dr. Nagib T. Abdou - Arabic, English
- Dr. Ma Haide (George Hatem) by Various Authors - English, Chinese
- Elias' Modern Dictionary, English Arabic by Elias A. Elias - English, Arabic
- Faris Saleem Malouf (1892-1958), A Voice in the Dark: One Man's Arab American Activism by Charles Malouf Samaha - English
- The First One Hundred Years in America: Recollections of a Lebanese-American Grandson by Norman J. Hobbie - English
- The First One Hundred Years in America: Other Voices by Norman J. Hobbie - English
- Food from Biblical Lands: A Culinary Trip to the Land of Bible History by Helen Corey - English
- From Mt. Lebanon to the Mohawk Valley: The Story of Syro-Lebanese Americans of the Utica Area by John G. Moses - English
- "Growing an American Tradition" Booklet by Mt. Olive - English
- The Heart of Cortland: The Life of Jim Yaman by Molly Yaman - English
- History of the Maronite Catholic Church in the United States, Volume I: The Clergy by Evelyn Karam Small, Randa Gemayel Hakim, and Joseph John Soma - English
- The History of Syrian Trade in America by Salloum Mokarzel - Arabic
- Les Hobeiche: A Travers L'Histoire by Khalil R. Hobeiche - French, Arabic
- How the Lebanese Advanced Civilization by John G. Moses - English
- Al-Jundi Al-Suri fi Thalath Horoub [The Syrian Soldier in Three Wars] by Gabriel Elias Ward - Arabic
- Kisses from a Distance by Raff Ellis - English
- Kitab al-Ghareeb fi al-Gharb, كتاب الغريب في الغرب [Strangers in the West: The Trip of Mikhail Asad Rustum to America, 1885-1895] by Mikhail Asad Rustum - Arabic
- Kitab Qatf Ql-Zuhur Fi Tarikh Al-Duhur by Yuhanna Ibkarius [Abkariyus] - Arabic
- The Lebanese in America by John G. Moses - English
- "The Lebanese Texans and the Syrian Texans" Booklet by James Patrick McGuire - English
- Letters to My Son: An Immigrant's Saga by George Nicolas El-Hage - English, Arabic
- Library of the Biography of Luminaries, خزانة الأيام في ترجمة العظام by Joseph N. Maloof - Arabic
- Medicine and Commerce "Illustrated": Two Books in One Volume by Dr. Nagib T. Abdou - Arabic, English
- Memories of Rahija by Abe J. Bassett - English
- Monsoura by John Louis Toukatly - English
- Mt. Lebanon to Vermont by George Haddad - English
- "My Life in Pictures" Booklet by Ethel Wright Mohamed - English
- The Naders by Jan Colvert - English
- New Old Country: A Memoir by Ramsey Esper and Carolynne M. Ayoub - English
- Orphans of War by Bearta Powell - English
- Saleeby-Saliba Worldwide Family by Callie R. Saleeby Stanley - English
- Secretos de familia: Libaneses y élites empresariales en Yucatán [Family Secrets: Lebanese and Business Elites in Yucatan] by Luis Alfonso Ramírez - Spanish
- The Syrian Business Directory: First Edition 1908-1909 by Salloum Mokarzel and H.F. Otash - Arabic, English
- Syrian Yankee by Salom Rizk - English
- "To Live in Hearts we Leave Behind is not to Die": Lebanese Voices of North Carolina by John Blythe - English
- Under Syrian Stars by Rahme Haidar - English
- Until the Hour of Separation: The Sargus Family in America by Jane Sargus - English
- A View of Our Past: Georgetown, South Carolina c. 1890-1915 by Georgetown County Library System - English
Collection Tree
This collection is a part of a larger collection that has been divided into more specific collections.